Deceived by Netflix: The Ultimate Way to Stream in HD

Apart from the large TV in the living room, many customers also use Netflix within the web browser – whether on Windows or on the Mac. However, if you use the wrong browser, you will end up with poor image quality. However, if you follow our tip, you will outsmart Netflix.

First of all: The basic requirement for better image quality, even in the web browser, is always the right Netflix tariff. For example, if you only use the basic tariff, you will only receive SD quality. Full HD is available with the standard subscription, 4K content only with the expensive premium tariff. If you only get a maximum resolution of 720p despite having the right subscription in your browser, you are using the wrong browser. For example, Chrome goes on strike if Netflix should be played in Full HD. If you want that, you actually need the Edge browser on the PC or Safari on the Mac.


Brilliant tip: Netflix in Full HD also in Chrome on Mac and PC

But what if you really want to use Netflix in full HD (1,080p) in Chrome or Firefox, whether on the Mac or the PC? If you really want this, you have to use the following trick and install the appropriate Chrome extension. For Chrome, the tool is called “Netflix – higher quality” (alternatively we use “Netflix 1080p”).

Once we have installed the extension, to be on the safe side we should quickly delete the browser cache, start Netflix and from now on watch films and series in Chrome and Firefox in full HD – great thing. If you want to check whether the trick actually worked, you can either look for the test program “Test Patterns” within Netflix (watch on Netflix) and check the relevant information at the top right of the screen or press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D to display the necessary video details.

Already knew? This is how you can find even more content on Netflix:

The problem with Ultra HD and Netflix

By the way: Playback in 4K cannot be forced with this trick. If you want to watch Netflix in Ultra HD, in addition to the expensive premium subscription, you will also need the Edge browser on the PC or Safari on the Mac (from macOS Big Sur 11.0 and with an Apple processor or T2 chip). Windows users also have the option of using the Netflix app from the Microsoft Store.

