More studio closures, Xbox Game Pass is becoming more expensive and hardware is changing, says the community

What does Microsoft plan to do with Xbox in the coming years? What about Xbox Game Pass? And what hardware plans are the Redmond company pursuing? Readers of PLAY3.DE included their predictions in a survey. The results are there.

Microsoft's future Xbox strategy has been the big topic of the past few months. after the first previously exclusive games from Xbox Studios were released on the PS5 this year, recently Closure of smaller studiosincluding Tango Gameworks. With “Hi-Fi Rush” the developers delivered previously had a successful hit.


This week, the publisher Activision, which was previously taken over by Microsoft, again announced the Establishment of a new studio known in Poland. A “genre-defining AAA franchise” is to be created there. That means the big blockbusters are obviously the focus.

Major Xbox brands appear exclusively or follow with a delay

But what does all this mean for the future direction of Microsoft’s gaming division? We wanted to last week know your opinions and forecasts – for example with the question of how exclusive or non-exclusive the future release of games from Microsoft studios will be.

Most readers agreed that the exclusive strategy used until this year will be further weakened. There are several possible approaches, although no option has been able to clearly prevail. This is illustrated by the following end result:

How might Microsoft shape Xbox game releases in the future?


  1. Big Xbox brands remain exclusive, but most other games end up on PlayStation and Co. with a delay (33 percent)
  2. The big brands appear on PlayStation with a delay, smaller games directly at launch. (30 percent)
  3. Microsoft will become a fully multiplatform publisher and bring all games to all systems at the same time. (25 percent)
  4. Microsoft remains largely true to its exclusive strategy and rarely releases Xbox games for competing systems. (13 percent)

Is Microsoft launching more Xbox consoles?

Another topic of the survey was the hardware strategy that Microsoft could pursue. In the next generation, the company wants to biggest technological leap lie down, which can mean anything.

So what could the Redmond company have in mind? Ultimately, readers of PLAY3.DE do not fear a complete loss of Xbox hardware. Below are the results:

What hardware plans could Microsoft pursue? Is there a new generation of Xbox?

  1. The strategy is changing and Microsoft will produce hardware that differs from the classic consoles. (44 percent)
  2. Microsoft will stick to classic consoles for the mass market without reservation. (32 percent)
  3. Microsoft itself will no longer produce Xbox hardware, but will issue licenses. (12 percent)
  4. Xbox hardware is completely disappearing from the market. (12 percent)

A “non-classic hardware” could about being a handheld. Rumors came months ago. The cloud is also expected to play an increasing role.

Studio closures and Xbox Game Pass

After the closure of Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin and other studios, the question remains whether there will be further measures of this kind. After all, the billions of US dollars invested in publisher purchases must be replayed.

This requires attractive blockbuster franchises and live service strategies. This leads to shifts, as readers of PLAY3.DE believe.

What studio or brand strategy will Microsoft pursue in the future?

  1. Microsoft is thinning out the studio system more extensively and concentrating on the big blockbusters. (49 percent)
  2. There are few closures and medium and large games/brands are the target. (39 percent)
  3. There will be no further closures and games/brands of all kinds are the focus. (11 percent)

Finally, we wanted to know how Xbox Game Pass will be designed in the future. Because with that Recording games like “Call of Duty” Microsoft is faced with a problem: the subscription will result in a loss of income at launch and whether memberships will increase in the long term or only selectively remains to be seen.

So what is the future Game Pass strategy? Here, more than 50 percent of participants believe in a price increase while the benefits remain the same.

Does Xbox Game Pass have a future in its current form?

  1. The price is increased, but the functionality remains. (52 percent)
  2. Xbox Game Pass is being completely redesigned. (17 percent)
  3. The price remains the same, but not all games will be included in the subscription at launch. (13 percent)
  4. Nothing will change with Xbox Game Pass. (10 percent)
  5. Xbox Game Pass is disappearing from the market. (9 percent)

It remains exciting. And we will find out some of the future plans as early as next June. Microsoft is hosting an Xbox showcaseafter which the new “Call of Duty” is expected to be presented.

More news about Microsoft.

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