Dead Space 2: Insider: Remake canceled due to Battlefield

The first Dead Space has already received a very successful remake – and actually there should have been one for Dead Space 2 too. But according to an insider, the new edition of the horror sequel has now been canceled – because of Battlefield.


At the beginning of last year, a remake of the horror title Dead Space was released and was quite convincing. Developer Motive has consequently also dedicated itself to a remake of Dead Space 2, but we can probably no longer expect the horror sequel in the form of a new edition.

At least that's what the usually well-informed and reliable insider Jeff Grubb says, who discusses the topic in a new episode of Game Mess Mornings picked up. Previously, developer Motive was officially named yesterday, Tuesday, as another developer of the Battlefield shooter series, which apparently enjoys priority at publisher Electronic Arts. And according to Grubb, that is now having corresponding effects.

“She [gemeint ist Motive] “We've said that going forward they're going to be one team with two projects – and that's going to be Iron Man and Battlefield,” said Grubb, before adding, “They worked on Dead Space 2 and they're no longer doing that . It's on the shelf because the first game had disappointing sales. So if you were looking forward to Dead Space 2, this is bad news. It's just bad news.”


Grubb subsequently emphasized that he didn't know whether the remake of Dead Space 2 would never be released again. It is unclear whether Motive would be able to resume work at a later date. For the time being, you can no longer expect this new edition, especially since it is said to have been in pre-production anyway.

Dead Space in the PlayStation 1 look – We're playing the demake of Dead Space

Demakes of modern games are becoming increasingly popular. And now there is a first playable version of the survival horror classic Dead Space. Felix and Zeno play the new edition in the PlayStation 1 look.
