Can Avatar on Netflix Recreate the Success of One Piece? Maybe Not, But It May Not Be Fair to Compare

The successful animated series Avatar returned to have a little makeover on Netflix in live-action, for a mixed result.

After the disappointment served by M.Night Shyamalan in 2010 (5% on Rotten Tomatoes), Avatar the Last Airbender Netflix version had to make up for past mistakes and regain the trust of fans. Moreover, with the successes of the series One Piece And Yu Yu Hakushoall the lights were green. But now, only one day after its release, the series is already dividing. Between good will and poor adaptation, the press and the public don’t really know what to think about it.


Avatar: The Last Airbender, what is it about?

Adapted from the famous 2005 animated series, Avatar the Last Airbender is an 8-episode live-action TV show, created by Albert Kim and broadcast on February 22, 2024 on Netflix. It presents the character of Aang, supposed to become the new Avatar, master of the 4 elements. But the latter, wanting to escape his fate, flees his village and finds himself trapped in the ice for 100 years. He is then discovered by the warrior Sokka and his sister Katara, a young waterbender who does not really control his powers. Together, they will have to fight the terrible empire of fire led by the vile Ozai. However, they will be pursued during their adventure by the emperor’s son, Zuko, who is ready to do anything to please his father.

What does the press think?

As said previously, opinions are very mixed regarding Avatar Netflix. When some say that it is a total success which takes them back to childhood, others see only faults without real ambition.. For example, The Internet user admits that the new adaptation “transcribes the issues and the universe of the series in a relatively effective manner” but raises some important negative points. The media states in particular that “ the dialogues are often too didactic, the rhythm is not controlled” and that the show “suffers from a real tone problem”.

Press notes

Note aggregators:

  • Rotten Tomatoes: 59/100
  • Metacritic: 56/100

The Press:


  • Premiere: 4.5/5
  • The Geek Journal: 4/5
  • Leisure TV: 4/5
  • The Guardian: 4/5
  • Digital: 3/5
