Boost Your Carrying Capacity in Fallout 4: Carry More Items and Gear

Are your pockets full again and you can't carry anything in Fallout 4? In the role-playing game you are constantly confronted with this problem. We will therefore tell you various methods and tricks with which you can increase your carrying capacity so that you will rarely have problems with too much luggage.

Fallout 4 is one of those games where the pockets can't be big or deep enough. Especially all the junk you carry around with you takes up a lot of space. We will therefore show you how you can increase the load capacity and carry more.


Increase load capacity

First of all, you should get a feel for which items you should pick up and which you can leave behind. In our extensive guide to recycling scrap, you can see which materials are useful and which are not. But even apart from the scrap, weapons, armor and tools take up a large part of your inventory space. Mods that you attach to weapons and armor also have to be carried along. Fortunately, at least the ammunition weighs nothing, which is why you should always take all of it with you.

Tips for carrying more

To increase your carrying capacity, you must invest in the Strength attribute value. In particular, the “Strong Back” perk at level 6 allows you to carry a higher load of up to +50 in several ranks. You can also use action points to sprint if you are overloaded and at the highest rank you can even fast travel. The “Lone Wanderer” perk in the Charisma talent tree allows you to carry twice the carrying capacity at rank 2 if you are traveling without a companion If you don't separate yourself from your companion, you can use him as a pack mule yourself. Simply speak to Preston Garvey, Paladin Danse, Piper and Co. and select the dialogue option “Action”. This way you can fill them up to the limit with your items. You can easily get rid of scrap in your workshop settlements. Simply go to a workbench or any container and select the “Transfer” option. You can then select the “Store all scrap” option with a single press of a button.So that you can better assess which items you need or not, select the “Scrap” tab on your Pipboy and go to the component view. Now select the option for search for the items of which you only have a few. This way, scrap containing the materials you're looking for will display a magnifying glass icon. This way you can loot more specifically and leave unnecessary stuff lying around. Make use of the over 30 workshop settlements in the game and empty your pockets after extensive raids in vaults, bases or other places. With power armor on you will travel slower, but you can do more carry.If you play on the PC you also have the opportunity to increase your carrying capacity with the countless cheats. There you will also find other codes that will make your life easier in the post-apocalypse role-playing game.

If you want to know more about Fallout 4, we will show you an overview of all the locations where the bobblehead dolls are found and give you general tips for role-playing games.
