After series hype: Fallout conquers Fortnite

The next “Fortnite” collaboration is just around the corner. This time, Epic Games will bring the iconic role-playing game series “Fallout” to the battle royale shooter.

Epic Games' battle royale shooter “Fortnite” is notorious for its numerous collaborations. The developers periodically bring iconic characters from gaming, film, television history, music and much more into the game.


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Now those responsible have announced that another legendary franchise will soon be brought into the game. After the immense success of the TV series, “Fallout” is being implemented in the shooter. According to the artwork released by Epic Games via X (formerly Twitter), the T1-60 power armor will be part of the collaboration.

However, no specific details have been revealed as to when the new content will appear in “Fortnite”. In addition, one can only imagine what the gameplay will look like with the power armor.

If Epic Games stays true to the template, then the power armor should pack quite a punch. Furthermore, it remains to be seen what other content from “Fallout” will be integrated. After all, both the game series and the TV series offer enough interesting characters and items that would fit the battle royale shooter.

Furthermore, those responsible have: communicatedthat from now on none other than Loki and Sylvie Rundeydottir are available in the shop. It started a few months ago second season of the current content loop and introduced the Greek gods as boss opponents. This allows you to face Zeus, Hades, Ares and Co. to secure their powers.


Disney also announced some time ago that it was investing almost 1.5 billion euros in Epic Games. This suggests that both companies will work more closely together in the future. It's also not surprising considering that “Fortnite” continues at the top of the charts in terms of sales and active player numbers.

The developers always manage to maintain the interest of the community with clever changes to the in-house formula and thus continue to be the biggest title in the industry even after seven years. And “Fallout” certainly doesn’t diminish that.

Source: PSU

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