600,000 New Sales in a Year: The Unstoppable Success of a 84%-Rated Video Game on PS5, Three Years Later

Game news 600,000 new sales in one year: this terrifying video game rated 84% on PS5 continues to be an insolent success, three years after its release!


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A certain horror video game released on May 7, 2021 is still having particularly interesting sales today. The Resident Evil license continues to bring in bad money for Capcom and some opuses are really profitable.


Some figures that please Capcom

Let's talk little, let's talk well, but above all let's talk numbers! Capcom revealed, at the end of September 2023, that Resident Evil Village, the eighth main opus in the series, had sold 8.7 million copies worldwide. A very good score, which has increased in a few months. At the end of December, the company revealed that sales had increased to 9.3 million. The calculation is simple: there were 600,000 sales in three months just for this production. A truly considerable sum, which proves that Resident Evil VIII remains very popular with fans. That said, the 2021 opus is not the only one to be added to the library of new players.

Another production, Resident Evil 2 Remake also saw its sales climb in this same period, from September 30, 2023 to December 31, 2023. Some 300,000 units were sold, allowing the title to post a solid 13.9 million sales since its release in January 2019. Resident Evil 3 Remake also saw its sales increase by 300,000 units to reach 8.7 million sales. in the world. These three months have been more than fruitful for the company and the franchise, which now displays 157 million worldwide sales if we count all its opuses and spin-offs. With such good figures, it is easy to predict what Capcom's plans are, the license should give news in the rather near future.

Resident Evil 9?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to say when the next main opus of the saga will be released. It is obvious that many players love the license and a fortioricontinue to buy it. The bottom line is simple: Capcom continues to sell. If the company decides to take advantage of this devotion from players, it would make a lot of people happy. Speaking of what's next, we have a few rumors to share with you. Some leaks claim that the company is developing several projects related to Resident Evil, including the highly anticipated main sequel: Resident Evil IX. Other sources speak of a potential release early next year for the said sequel, but it is better to wait for confirmations from Capcom. You will have to be patient, which is normal in this video game world that we know so well. However, If you can't help yourself, click here for more information on the future of the franchise.

About Resident Evil Village


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