Xbox’s Future Uncertain as Game Pass Price Rises

Call of Duty is probably coming to Game Pass, but that could also mean a significant price increase. Will the risky bet pay off for Xbox?

CoD in Xbox Game Pass: price increases and new subscription levels leaked

The rumor mill is churning loudly when it comes to the future of Xbox. Just last Friday, on May 17th, the Wall Street Journal reported that Xbox now wants to add Call of Duty to Game Pass (source: The Wall Street Journal).


Since Microsoft bought the billion-dollar company Activision Blizzard in 2023, fans have been speculating on one Call of Duty Game Pass – after all, Xbox could use this to persuade millions of fans to buy a console or Game Pass. At the same time, there is ongoing discussion about whether Game Pass is even profitable for Xbox itself: At least the subscription is worth it for players, because if they only play two or three blockbuster games a year via the pass (which they would have otherwise bought), they have usually already recouped their money.

Although Xbox has not officially commented on CoD in Game Pass or a subscription price increase, several industry insiders are leaking planned new prices and new subscription levels. On Resetera, the well-known leaker Nate the Hate confirmed exactly this:

“There are changes in prices and subscription levels.” (Source: Resetera)

Other insiders are named on Reddit who confirm the leak (source: Reddit). This also confirms that that the price changes are directly related to the inclusion of Call of Duty in Game Pass.


New beginning or the end for the Xbox?

Of course it makes sense for Microsoft and Xbox to increase the price of Game Pass, if the Call of Duty series is to be included. The Call of Duty games are without question some of the most successful shooters in the world, with millions of daily players across all possible platforms.

It would therefore be surprising for many if Xbox simply threw CoD into the Game Pass and players could access it for 6.99 euros/month or 10.99 euros/month. Ultimately, it's not just about making the Game Pass more popular – it's also about making money.

The question remains, however, whether the bet on CoD in Game Pass will work. After all, Xbox's future has been shaky for a while – especially after the recent studio closures. How many players will Game Pass actually attract with the shooter? Will shooter fans all get the Xbox Series now? Or could a price increase lead to long-established fans even giving up Game Pass?

If prices actually rise, the question is whether all subscription levels will be affected. But maybe Xbox will decide on a completely new level, a Call of Duty pass, so to speak. Or none of this will happen at all, which in turn could lead to Game Pass fans being disappointed – because of course they all want to see CoD in their subscription.
