Xbox boss offers reassurance to players awaiting long-awaited Game Pass feature

Game Pass subscribers have long wanted an improved xCloud feature that would allow them to stream games to various devices. Xbox boss Phil Spencer now suggests that the coveted feature could be available soon.

A Game Pass Ultimate subscription currently gives you the opportunity to play selected games from the Game Pass library via streaming on devices such as your PC or your cell phone and tablet. But many gamers have long wanted Stream your own library of all purchased games via xCloud to be able to. Phil Spencer is now rekindling this hope.


New Xbox Game Pass feature should come in 2024

In an Xbox chat, Phil Spencer was asked about when players would be able to stream their purchased games to other devices via xCloud – his answer, shared on Reddit, was succinct: “Should be ready this year.”

It was certainly foreseeable that the xCloud feature would be improved, after all, Xbox has repeatedly emphasized the coming importance of game streaming in the past. It was not yet known that the long-awaited function would be expanded to the entire library in 2024. It can still be assumed that Only Game Pass Ultimate members benefit from this advantage become.

Xbox community wants streaming function

The community is very positive about the content of Spencer's announcement Many commenters on Reddit aren't getting caught up in the hype yet. They point out that Microsoft has already announced various features in the past that either came onto the market significantly late or that they are still waiting for:

This is a big step for Xbox in the casual gamer market direction. Now that the app is available on more devices such as smart TVs, it will be much easier for you to purchase games without having to invest in hardware. (Reddit user D0wnInAlbion)


A full-featured digital library that you can always access once you're connected to the cloud… I'd say that's a pretty good start. (Reddit user Vegan_Honk)

Hmmm I don't know, he's been saying every year for 10 years now that next year will really be the big start for Xbox games. (Reddit user Lickshaw)

In our photo series we show you 7 insider tips that you should try out with your Game Pass subscription:
