WoW Classic, where to find the new Priest runes in Season of Discovery Phase 3

Can't find the new runes for your Priest in Season of Discovery Phase 3 of WoW Classic? Don't panic, discover our complete guide with the different locations of quests, mini-games and Bosses giving access to all the new runes for your class. We will also recommend addons to make your adventure easier, since some quests have several stages.

Update : As of April 5. The first Priest runes from Phase 3 of Season of Discovery have been found!


If you have any questions or special requests, do not hesitate to ask for our opinion in the comments.

Where to find the new Phase 3 Priest runes in Season of Discovery

Here we list the different new runes available in Phase 3 of the Season of Discovery, for the Priest. Note that certain runes are not accessible in the same way for all races and factions.

At the launch of Phase 3, at least six new runes were added for each class but it is possible others were hidden by Blizzard.


Find the Despair Rune (bracers)

Our guide to finding the rune
for the Priest according to your faction and race on the Season of Discovery.

Horde and Alliance side

To find this rune, you must use an item to channel into telluric crystals. You need one material per use, a total of 4. This can be
Fragment of the core of the world
or one
Scroll of Geomancy
used by a mage of the group.

  • Feralas – The Wild Plateaux, 57, 40
The location of the crystal in Feralas (click to enlarge the image)
  • The Hinterlands – North of the Altar of Zul, 48, 59
The location of the crystal in the Hinterlands (click to enlarge the image)
  • Azshara – Southwest of the mountains, near Forlorn Ridge, 22, 79
The location of the crystal in Azshara (click to enlarge the image)
  • Gorge of Burning Winds – 55, 65
The location of the crystal in the Searing Gorge (click to enlarge the image)

Once the last crystal is channeled, an Arcane elemental will appear. You have to kill him to get the rune.

Importance of the rune : An important rune in Shadow, since it allows a big gain in DPS and in particular increases the value of the critical hit score on your objects.

Find the Wave of Light Rune (bracers)

Our guide to finding the rune
Wave of Light
for the Priest according to your faction and race on the Season of Discovery.

Alliance and Horde side

To find the rune, you will have to kill a Echo of a Lost Soul. It has a buff that makes it immune to Fire, Cold, Holy, Nature, Physical and Shadow damage. You must therefore defeat it with arcane damage. However, it would be possible to remove his buff using
Sacred Flames
several times. You can find a

Echo of a Lost Soul
at the following coordinates:

  • Tanaris – 54.0, 28.6
  • Marsh of Sorrows – 50.4, 61.1
  • Stranglethorn Valley – 30.0, 73.0
  • The Hinterlands – 72.6, 68.0

Importance of the rune : A good Heal rune improves the fluidity of your cycle and gives you access to a little more burst of healing via the critical proc.

Find the Void Zone Rune (bracers)

Our guide to finding the rune
Vacuum Zone
for the Priest according to your faction and race on the Season of Discovery.

Alliance and Horde side

Obtaining this rune essentially relies on your reputation as well as your wallet. By reaching the “Friendly” rank with the Emerald Guardians, you can buy the rune for 1 gold and 60 AP. It is obtained from stewards Kyleen, Valdane, Falinar and Alandra.

  • Kyleen – Ashenvale, 89.6, 40.6
  • Valdane – Feralas, 48.6, 12.6
  • Falinar – Duskwood, 45.6, 51.2
  • Alandra – The Hinterlands, 61.4, 31,.4

Importance of the rune : A good rune to win in AOE, quite situational therefore depending on the fights.

Find the Divine Aegis Rune (helmet)

Our guide to finding the rune
Divine Aegis
for the Priest according to your faction and race on the Season of Discovery.

Alliance and Horde side

Collect the quest The Wild Gods nearby Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood. Then go to the Hinterlands, to Jinth'Alor, kill elite trolls to obtain a
Wild Whisper Brew
. You must then head into the Sloughs of Razorbuck and clean the area around it.
Amnennar the Coldbringer
. Use the brew to summon the Spirit of Agamaggan, who gives you a quest and

Agamagan's Roar

With this item, you must now go to 3 dungeons to spawn a ghostly creature to kill. When she is present, the message “You sense a presence in the shadows” will appear in the chat. At this point, use the
Agamagan's Roar
for the Delirious Ancient to emerge from the shadows. Each of them leaves you a Wild offering when he died.

Then return to the Shadowtooth Emissary to recover the rune.

Importance of the rune : A super Healing rune, which allows you to gain HPS for free depending on your critical score.

Find the Eye of the Void Rune (helmet)

Our guide to finding the rune
Void Eye
for the Priest according to your faction and race on the Season of Discovery.

Alliance and Horde side

You will need to collect eyes throughout Azeroth to obtain the rune.

Start by going to Felwood, in 36.5, 55.7. In Jaedenar, you can find level 54-55 monsters around the Eye Piercing to get back.

Eye location in Felwood (click on image to enlarge)

In the Silithid hive, in Tanaris, in 56.4, 73.7, you will find the Oozing Eye in a large room.

Location of the eye in Tanaris (click on image to enlarge)

THE Burning Eye can be found at 57.2, 68.7 in Feralas, behind a Night Elf northwest of the tower in the Isildian Ruins.

Location of the eye in Feralas (click on image to enlarge)

Go to Stranglethorn Valley, in 33, 88, to find the Baleful Eye on a table behind the Captain Stillwater.

Eye location in Stranglethorn Valley (click on image to enlarge)

In the Blasted Lands, you can find the Pulsating Eye in 49, 14. However, it requires using Slow fall to reach it with a mount.

Eye location in Blasted Lands (click image to enlarge)

It is in Jinth'Alor, in the Hinterlands, in 58.4, 72.7 that the Glowing Eye.

Eye location in The Hinterlands (click on image to enlarge)

THE Vibrating Eye has not yet been found.

Importance of the rune : A pretty funny rune, which allows you to have a fart to help you in combat. However, the level of damage is unknown at this time.

Find the Pain and Suffering Rune (helmet)

Our guide to finding the rune
Pain and suffering
for the Priest according to your faction and race on the Season of Discovery.

Alliance and Horde side

Start by killing Desert Bats in Tanaris, east of Gadgetzan, to find the Coded Warlock Notes on the
Shadow Mage Desert Bat
Thief Beats the Desert
will leave you Wastewander Cipher. Combine these items to get the
Deciphered Warlock Notes
. Then go to 58.0, 36.0, still in Tanaris, to find a Cryptic Scroll of Summoning. This is visible by passing your mouse over it, but no interaction is possible.

Once found, stand on it and use the
Deciphered Warlock Notes
. This will invoke a Enraged Voidwalker that you will have to kill to get the
Prophecy of Verdant Winter
who gives you the rune
Pain and suffering

Importance of the rune : Allows you to simplify your cycle by resetting the duration of Shadow Word: Doubler.

The best addons to easily find runes in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3

Some addons will show you the location of different Runes for your class or help you in your adventure. This will allow you to follow coordinates more easily, follow quests and find NPCs and loot items more quickly.

TomTom : a GPS but much more, TomTom will make it easier for you to find an NPC, a quest item or even resources. It will also show coordinates on your map, allowing you to get around more easily.

Coordinates by TomCat's Tours : will indicate above your map, the precise coordinates of your position, allowing you to follow the directions for the locations of quests or loots.

Questie : although the base addon should not reveal the Runes-specific quests, it will allow you to more easily chain together the different missions in WoW Classic.

Find all our guides (PvE and PvP) for the Dragonflight expansion.
