WoW, Best addons and WA in Raid

We present to you our selection of the best Dragonflight addons and WeakAuras for Raid. Addons and WeakAura (WA) are extremely important in WoW, especially in Raids, because they allow you to be as effective as possible against Bosses but also to optimize your DPS and Heal.

Up to date : This list is current as of May 2 for Dragonflight 10.2.6.


If you have any questions or special requests, do not hesitate to ask for our opinion in the comments.

The best Raid addons

Regarding addons, it is necessary to keep them up to date. For this we recommend using the free app curseforge
(link in English), which allows you to update all your addons in no time.

Big Wigs or Deadly Boss Mod

are the best addons in terms of Boss Mod. They give you timers and alerts in combat. Our preference is for BigWigs for its more complete configuration and more discreet display. Be careful not to install Deadly Boss Mod and BigWigs at the same time.


is an essential addon. This is a library in which you can create or import creations. WeakAura is a real all-purpose tool that allows you to track CDs, timers, boss skills and so on… Due to its infinite number of functions, it can be difficult to get familiar with this addon but don't panic, the community is here for you. The site has a large collection of designs ready to upload. You are free to modify them as you wish afterwards!


Following this guide, find the best WeakAuras for Dragonflight in Raid!

Method Raid Tools

An addon to do everything in Raid, Method Raid Tools allows in particular Ready Checks, to place markers in a room, to follow defensive CDs as well as to inspect the equipment of the Raid members.

The interest of the addon goes further if you are looking to be competitive, with the possibility of publishing a note with all the information of your strat for Raid members also using MRT. It is also possible to create visual diagrams for your raiders. In short, much more than a tool for officers!


OmniCD is a CD tracker. It allows you to see if your allies have their CDs or not. Track your team's offensive, defensive or control spells to better plan yours. This addon is configurable so you are free to display only the spells that interest you.

Displaying the CDs of the members of a group as well as the Raid via OmniCD


is an important tool to be able to optimize your character. As specified in our class guides, it is extremely important to simulate your character in order to test piece by piece, point by point the DPS gain of your equipment. Use the addon in combination with the site official and optimize your character like the pros!

Details! Damage meter


is an addon that allows you to see your damage, your heals, your damage suffered as well as all the statistical information from your fights. We believe that this addon is very important, not to brag to your colleagues about better DPS at the end of a key but above all to observe yourself. Watch and analyze your damage taken, your deaths, your DPS or your Healing in detail in order to become the best version of yourself!

The DPS display by Details!


If, like the author of this guide, you are the type to jump into puddles of acid or fire, GTFO is made for you. This very simple addon informs you with a sound if you are in a dangerous area.

kui nameplates/Plater

And Plater
are references for customizing Nameplates (the display bars above the names of enemies) because they allow you to modify the display of life bars as well as the dots placed on the different targets quite freely. It is possible thanks to these addons to change the color of the nameplates, a very interesting detail to highlight an important add to kill on a boss for example.

We advise you to use Kui nameplates if you are not used to configuring addons, Plater being much more complete but complex to use. However, presets are available on the website for each of the two addons. It is also possible to use Plater or custom tools on ElvUI.

The mob bars displayed by Plater.


Elvui and Tukui
are interface addons. Unlike the addons mentioned above, they are not available on the site curseforge and must be downloaded for free from their sites (in English). Their update must also be done manually. These addons allow you to modify your interface as you wish in order to have a more personal and optimized visual in relation to your style.

Although this type of tool may seem complicated at first use, many creations are shared on the site. From then on, it will be easier to find the right shoe for you and you will then be free to change things that do not suit you.

The best WeakAuras in Raid

WeakAura is an essential addon. It has many options to make your life easier in MM+, which is why we have opted for a list of the best WA for Mythic Dungeons +. You will need to download the Weakauras addon before you can integrate all the wa available on WoW. These can then be updated via the free WeakAura Companion app.

Weaks will have raids

Like DBM and BigWigs, Amidrassil, the Dream's Hope,
FATED Aberrus And FATED vault of the incarnates are WAs allowing you to display all the abilities of raid bosses
from season 4. This way, you will be able to configure Boss spells with more precision and detail than what your favorite bossmod is capable of.

Spell display via Amidrassil, The Hope of the Dream.

Interrupt tracker

Interrupt tracker can be a handy tool on certain bosses. It allows you to track available interruptions in your group. Whether you are in pug or vocal group, it is important to be aware if you are the only one who has the ability to interrupt a spell or can organize a kick rotation.

Track kick CDs via Interrupt Tracker

Raid ability timeline

This weak aura is complementary with your boss mod addon (bigs wigs or DBM) Raid Ability Timeline
allows you to display your bossmod vertically in order to better match the timers to your interface.

Anticipate boss abilities more easily with Raid Ability Timeline

Obviously, it is possible to use many other tools in Raid but our selection covers the majority of situations and roles. In addition, by using our choice of the best WoW addons and wa, you may develop your own interfaces and needs, thus optimizing your UI for Raids as much as possible.

We recommend that you consult our guide to the best classes and specializations in Raid (coming soon) in order to better progress in this aspect of World of Warcraft.

Find all our guides (PvE and PvP) for the Dragonflight expansion.
