Windows 11 24H2 sets MPR notifications to disabled and deprecates them

Over the last six months, Microsoft has rapidly filled the list of deprecated features in Windows. Now a new (old) function has been added, which again serves security purposes. It's about the MPR notifications via the group policy in the APIs NPLogonNotify and NPPasswordChangeNotify, which will also be removed later.

“Starting with Windows 11, version 24H2, the inclusion of password payloads in MPR notifications is via Group Policy in the APIs NPLogonNotify and NPPasswordChangeNotify disabled by default. The APIs may be removed in a future release. The main reason for disabling this feature is to improve security. When these APIs are enabled, the calling user can obtain another user's password, creating a potential risk of password disclosure and reading by malicious users. To include password payloads in MPR notifications, set the EnableMPRNotifications policy to enabled.”


These outdated functions in recent months have included TLS server authentication certificates, test base, Windows Mixed Reality legacy console mode, steps recorder, tips app, computer browser, web client (WebDAV) service, remote mail slots, which we summarized here .

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