Will Smith and Martin Lawrence be at their best? Bad Boys 4 should be great, according to fans

Fans of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are eagerly awaiting the new film in the long-running Bad Boys series. The fourth part, called Bad Boys: Ride or Die, will be released in German cinemas on June 5th.

The first viewers have already been able to watch the film and are sharing their impressions online. And apparently Bad Boys 4 hits a lot of nerves, which is true euphoric posts on social media leads. We'll show you why fans are celebrating the new action film.


This is what fans think of Bad Boys 4

If a fan is carried away with hymns of praise, that does not provide reliable information about the quality of a product. But right now lots of fans blow the fanfare, you can start pricking up your ears.

For example, this long-time fan gives his positive opinion:

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“Bad Boys: Ride or Die is phenomenal. I love the Bad Boys franchise. This movie raises the bar. It's non-stop funny. Innovative action scenes. So much good chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. The best time , which I had in the cinema for a long time. I absolutely loved it.”


Or this fan, who can pretty much pinpoint his enthusiasm by the fact that in the film there are always bangs like on the shooting range:

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“Bad Boys: Ride or Die is an absolute blast. It's crazy how Adil and Bilali have tapped into the strong emotional core of this series without sacrificing any of its insane fun. Smith & Lawrence do their best, the supporting cast steps up (REGGIE!), and it pops really well.”

This viewer particularly praises the light-hearted action, which helps her escape from reality and is looking forward to seeing you again:

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“Oh girrrrrrrl, that was fun!! The #BadBoys agenda is alive and well, long and strong. It feels good to have funny movies in theaters, you know? He has his serious moments when needed , but its main goal is to entertain. Brings some escapism. I can't wait to see it again!”

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Do you want to see the new Bad Boys in the cinema? Would you rather wait for the home cinema premiere? What do you associate with the series, good or bad? Feel free to write it in the comments! You can now find the best deals and expert advice on games, films, entertainment and more at brand new PCG guide! All information about our new portal you can find it here!
