Who needs GTA 6? What this fan is doing makes Rockstar look old

GTA has been able to bite its way into pop culture little by little over the last two decades. The huge similarity of the locations to real metropolises contributed to the great success of Rockstar's flagship brand. In the sixth part of the series, the fan community goes back to Vice City, an exaggerated version of the city of Miami. But how close does Rockstar come with its flagship brand to the real role models? These days, a YouTube fan has spared no expense and effort to answer this question.

When is GTA 6 coming out?

So far we don't know when GTA 6 exactly to come onto the market. Just the release year 2025 is certain, as is a publication on the PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S. Since the first trailer There were conflicting reports surrounding one possible postponement of the game given, which we have discussed on our website.


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All nonsense?! Size Doubt on the rumors about Release date from GTA 6

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In any case, some patience is still necessary. All the more practical for Rockstar that GTA 6 (buy now ) stays in the minds of customers even outside of trailer campaigns. The most recent example would be the adaptation of the trailer in reality, produced by “Andrew Levitt” and released on YouTube on April 10, 2024.

GTA 6 for real?

Of course, Levitt not only impresses his own community with the video, but also fans of GTA. The person behind the mammoth project has made games like this in the past The Last of Us or Red Dead Redemption compared with real inspirations. In addition to the trailer itself, what is particularly eye-catching is a kind of making-of of the project.

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In just under twelve minutes, Levitt explains the process behind the video. So if you're interested in a chaotic trip through one of the major cities in Florida, you're well advised here. The two people behind the project did not film some scenes from the “Real Life” trailer themselves. Instead, they resorted to scenes that rock star himself used it as inspiration. You can now find the best deals and expert advice on games, films, entertainment and more in the brand new one PCG Guide. All information about our new portal you can find it here!

Sources: YouTube (Andrew Levitt), Game Rant
