When will GTA 6 be released? Publisher boss reveals why fans have to wait so long

It is already since the official announcement of GTA 6 last year announced that the action game will wait until 2025. A specific release date remains the developers of Rockstar Games Although still guilty, at least a more precise release period has recently been determined. But why do the fans actually have to stay up so late? the latest Grand Theft Auto wait?

Where can you play GTA 6?

In December of last year Rockstar Games announced the long-awaited action game GTA 6 and at the same time announced which platforms it will be released for. So far it is known that the new Grand Theft Auto will be released for both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S. Despite all the speculation, there is currently no talk of a PC version. But due to the great success of previous Rockstar games A corresponding announcement is probably only a matter of time. But why do fans have to be patient for so long?


Why will GTA 6 only be released in 2025?

Not only since then has it been known that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be released in fall 2025, numerous fans asked themselves why they had to wait so long. Strauss Zelnick, Managing Director, recently provided at least part of the answer from the responsible publisher Take-Two Interactive. During an interview with CNBC magazine, he talked about the scheduling for GTA 6 and its background. He made an interesting statement.

“Anyway, making an extraordinary game, with extraordinary expectations, isn't really about bugs. It's about creating an experience that's never been done before. Rockstar Games strives for perfection. That perfection is difficult to measure.”

So if Strauss Zelnick has his way, Rockstar Games will be the developer of GTA 6 (buy now ) quite deliberately so much time. The team is together the enormous expectations of the fans very aware and is making every effort to deliver as perfect a game as possible. Therefore, the studio accepts a longer waiting time in order not to jeopardize the quality. We'll know whether it's worth it by fall 2025 at the latest. But there's more happening at Rockstar Games.


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What else is happening at Rockstar Games?

Next to a legal dispute been a rock star lately with many dropped DLCs for GTA 5 noticed. Red Dead Redemption 3 was also in the headlines in December. The potential price for the hyped rock star title We have already discussed this on our website. You can now find the best deals and expert advice on games, films, entertainment and more at brand new PCG guide. All information about our new portal you can find it here!

Source: CNBC via Dyllie
