WandaVision Fans May Never See a Season 2, But There’s a Split in the Pear!

Culture news MCU fans may never get a season 2 of the WandaVision series, but Disney has figured out how to split the pear in two!


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A few years ago, WandaVision impressed with astonishing artistic direction and a narrative that was as gripping as it was moving. Unfortunately, being a limited series, the latter never received a second season. But his characters convinced fans so much that Marvel finally decided to give them another chance!


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WandaVision bewitched fans

In January 2021, the first television series belonging to the Marvel Cinematic Universe Or MCU emerged on Disney+, and for many, it remains one of the best even today. In WandaVisionfans of the extended universe of Marvel were able to find Wanda Maximoffthe witch who debuted in Avengers: Age of Ultronbut also Visiona semi-organic android created using data from JARVIS, the artificial intelligence designed by Tony Stark. A somewhat curious concept, given that the series takes place shortly after the events of Avengers: Endgamewhile Vision lost his life in the previous film.

In WandaVisionviewers were able to go back in time through the different eras of cinema, each episode depicting the life of Wanda And Vision in the style of a sitcom, starting with a black and white episode depicting the 1950s. Each episode explores a different decade until reaching contemporary times, while dropping clues about the real world and the effects harmful effects caused by this little sleight of hand.

A new life for Vision

Finally, Wanda will have to say goodbye to his dearest illusion, and the fans too, since WandaVision is only intended to be a limited series. But the Marvel writers have figured out how to get around this little detail! Indeed, according to Varietycertain characters from WandaVision will be back not only in Agatha All Along in September 2024, but also in another series focused on Vision in 2026. Paul Bettany will be back in the lead role, and it's Terry Matalasthe showrunner of seasons 2 and 3 of Star Trek: Picard who will be in charge.

Good news for fans of Visionwhose fate was more than uncertain after the events of WandaVision. As a reminder, the illusion created by Wanda has disappeared to make way for a new android fashioned by the government from spare parts of the original. Luckily, Vision managed to transmit his memories to this new individual, who vanished at the end of the series, undoubtedly to better understand his new identity. His quest is likely to be interesting, especially since the work of Terry Matalas on Star Trek: Picard was nominated by the WGA during the Writers Guild of America Awards last month, and is generally appreciated by fans of the universe Star Trek. We just want to see the result!

About the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

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