Video Game Podcast Festival Organized by Silence We Play Takes Place in La Villette

Game news Silence we play organizes its festival, the podcast dedicated to video games meets in La Villette


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At the end of May, the Silence On Play podcast meets its listeners and others at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie in Paris for its very first festival. The opportunity to attend a series of round tables and a large evening in public.


If you're used to listening to podcasts dedicated to video games in French, you've probably already heard of Silence, we play. The Libération show, which has existed for seventeen years, is one of the oldest and most listened to in France. After so many years, the podcast finally decides to take the plunge and organize its own festival at the end of May of which you can find the ticket office right here.

The first Silence festival, we play

It is therefore on May 25 at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie at la Villette in Paris, the Silence, we play festival will meet its listeners, as well as others for a special video game day. This very first edition will be marked by the presence of two major creators from the video game industry. First of all, Jordan Mechner, the developer of the very first Prince of Persia and author in 2023 of the autobiographical comic book Replay (Delcourt), will be present, but will not be alone. Julien Moya, co-founder of the Rundisc studio known for Chants of Sennaar released last year, will also be there.

A day entirely dedicated to video games

As for the program, the day will be divided into two highlights. First of all, with the two guests mentioned above, a series of meetings and round tables will be organized on the theme “Play and learn, but above all play”. These discussions will be an opportunity to debate to find out what the history and heritage of video games can teach us, is it possible to use video games as an educational medium or even how do we learn? to play a video game or board game. The question of speedrunning will also be asked to ask how and why, learn a game by heart to finish it as quickly as possible.

In addition to these round tables, the MO5 association dedicated to the heritage of video games will offer installations to wander through the history of the medium. Finally, from 6 p.m., a large public evening will be organized broadcast on Twitch. During the latter, a very special program will be held with several titles from the specialized press, but as usual, quizzes, digressions and passionate discussions around video games will be there. See you from May 25 to follow all this!
