Update brings improvements to the latest version

Fallout has successfully lodged itself fresh in the minds of its players and lured them to PC or console. All that is the Fallout TV series thanks to it, which was able to convince both connoisseurs and first-timers.


The flood of returning and new fans flocking to the game series did not come without the intervention of Bethesda to celebrate its finest hour Fallout 4 a Next-gen update missed. However, this resulted in some problems for the game, which will hopefully now be addressed.

Fallout 4 update gets plastered and smaller delivery delivered

If a game a significant update after almost ten years achieved, then that initially sounds like a reason for euphoria. For Fallout 4, this situation developed in a different direction. It can't be said to be a complete catastrophe, but in the eyes of the fans there hasn't been a pure improvement in the title. Actually it should Next-gen update primarily improves the performance and resolution of Fallout 4 bring it up to date so that the enthusiasm gained is not slowed down by its age.

However, Bethesda has no consideration for ongoing mod support taken, which is why modded saves have been reverted to vanilla and methods for Bypassing the fresh Fallout 4 software enjoyed great popularity. This approach was also responsible for the huge Fallout London mod could not be released on the planned release. But it's not just the missing mods that cause frustration, because despite the bug fixes included Update created new problem areas, for which no solution has been offered so far. For example, the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting system is affected.

But that should finally change now, if today, on May 13, 2024, the follow-up update for all platforms goes online. In addition to the requested repairs, Bethesda provides additional graphics and performance options. The question is whether this was Bethesda's last contribution to Fallout 4, or whether there will be more revisions to come. New game content of any kind should be released at the latest second season of the Fallout series, which is already considered officially confirmed.

