Unveiling Last Epoch Classes and Archetypes: Runemaster, Sorcerer, Mageblade and More

On Last Epoch, you will first have to choose a class, then shortly after a specialization and this is final. So, if you are leaning towards a mage, we will help you in this article, by offering you the different options available.

The mage on Last Epoch

You suspect itLast Epoch did not invent the mage archetype which is one of the classes found in generally all Hack'n slash and RPGs. However, the different subclasses offered by the specializations can greatly influence the gameplay.


Some will focus on high area damage, while others will offer a more defensive option to players, which can be a bit surprising as This option is ultimately not very present in general in this type of game.

The Rune Master, the master of the elements

If you opt for a Runemaster in Last Epoch, you will end up with a mage who will control spells which will not only be based on elemental damage like those of ice, fire, electricity or even magic.

In addition, several of these spells will allow you to inflict damage over time on your enemies. It's a bit of a unique style, but in terms of damage, we are on something very correct. In summary, the Runemaster subclass is:

  • A class based on DPS from damage over time
  • Defensive options that are interesting
  • A need for quality equipment or risk running out of steam
  • A somewhat particular fighting style and quite expensive in mana
Mage Last Epoch: Runemaster, Sorcerer, Mageblade... Discover all the classes and archetypes

The Sorcerer, a good DPS while being less fragile than one might think

As for the sorcerer, we will have the right to quite a few elemental spells too, but often, we will concentrate on those involving electricity. Its orb is for example a very good option for doing excellent damage in area, these being a function of the distance traveled.


Just like the Runemaster, the Sorcerer can also count on defensive options which are quite good and can clearly make up for placement options. But like the Runemaster, equipment may become a problem later. In summary, it is a subclass:

  • Easy to understand and play
  • Who has great damage
  • Who has decent defensive options
  • Whose equipment will be complicated to find, the further you advance in the game
Mage Last Epoch: Runemaster, Sorcerer, Mageblade... Discover all the classes and archetypes

The Mageblade, the melee mage

Finally, the last specialization of the Mage on Last Epoch is that of the Mageblade who will be entitled to quite special gameplay. Indeed, until now, we relied on spells cast, often at a respectable distance to do damage to enemies.

With the Mageblade, you will primarily seek close-range combat and for this, you will be able to count on the weapons that you will invoke and which will be based on elemental damage, a bit like the Rune Master. In summary, we have a class which:

  • Does great damage at close range
  • But who sometimes finds himself in a DPS “outage” once the spell rotation is completed
  • Good resistances whether via equipment or spells
  • Easier to equip with quality stuff than other subclasses
