Unseen Gems in GTA 5: 39 Incredible Details You May Have Overlooked

GTA 5 is now over 10 years old, but Rockstar's open-world hit is still popular today. This is partly because Rockstar has designed the world so incredibly meticulously – including these 39 brilliant details.

As our survey about the next-gen versions of GTA 5 showed, the gangster epic was able to delight players on both old and new consoles and PCs. For all fans, we have listed the hidden details in GTA 5 here again. Have fun searching.


Details in GTA 5 that you probably haven't noticed yet

The following pages are not hidden Easter eggs for GTA 5. Rather, they are small signs of how lovingly detailed Rockstar approached the development of the fifth part of the gangster epic. There are some funny, some simply realistic things that you probably would never have noticed during normal playthrough.

There are more than 100 of them, we have made a selection and would be happy if you share your own experiences and details with us in the comments.

Now no more long speech, just pictures and more GTA 5.

Admittedly, we didn't all discover these things ourselves. Thanks go to the communities of Reddit and many others. We've just provided them with some appropriate screenshots.


If you “accidentally” ran over Michael’s wife Amanda, the two of them react to it with different dialogues. Additionally, later in the game you will receive an angry letter from Amanda with the bill for her hospital stay.

If you leave a trail of gasoline behind you and happen to be sitting in a car that fires out the back (sports car), there is a chance that you will ignite the trail of gasoline.

You've been caught. If you wake up in the hospital after a collapse, you will retain for some time all the injuries and scars that you received shortly before your temporary death.

There is a picture of Michael's wife Amanda below on the HushSmush website.

“It’s not cheating if no one finds out.”

You just found out.

If you crack a car or open the front doors in the darkness, the interior lights come on.

That's it.

Instead of the index finger on the Internet as we know it, a click in GTA 5 represents a middle finger.

Is that supposed to increase the click appeal?

If you have proudly killed game and sent a photo of it to contacts in your phone book, they will react quite differently. However, most reactions are anything but happy. Maybe you have one or two animal lovers among your contacts.

When Franklin meets Lamar for the first time, he makes contemptuous comments about his haircut. If you meet the shady fellow later with new hair, he will also have a comment ready.

Later in the game, if you return to the store where you bought clothes for the “Liveinvader” mission, the salesperson will ask you how the interview went.

If you go into the water, you will get wet. So far so good. But Rockstar will only wet you as much as you've gone into the water. As long as you don't take a walk on the beach in your knickers, you'll definitely get your pants wet – at least.

As the game progresses, Michael tells his therapist, Dr. Friedlander, about the events he experienced during the missions. But têtes with prostitutes and running over pedestrians are also discussed in the sessions.

When it starts to rain in Los Santos, people hold their hands, newspapers or briefcases over their heads and flee to the nearest shelter.

It's better to stay in the car and wait for better weather.

If you overrun and exert yourself for a certain amount of time, the characters start to sweat. Sweat spots increasingly form under the armpits.

Why shower when you can use deodorant?

If you stand at the traffic lights next to another speedster in a sports car and let the engine roar, the other driver will challenge you to a race. With a burnout and squeaking tires, he then speeds off as soon as the traffic light turns green.

If you block the road with a vehicle, the jammed cars start honking and the drivers start insulting you.

In Germany this is a punishable offense – both serious insults and intentionally causing traffic jams.

(This trick doesn't always work…)

The various street musicians follow a strict code. Photos of them are only allowed if you have previously tipped them.

If a street artist receives a call, he stops his “pose” and answers it.

If you push in front of the other people waiting at the airport taxi stand, they will get angry and may try to drag you out of the car and beat you up.

Taxi drivers, on the other hand, don't really care who pays them in the end.

If you call the same phone number in quick succession, the people you contacted will reply that you had just spoken to each other.

If you have driven a car for a distance and then parked it, you can hear the engine cooling down for some time.

So you didn’t just imagine the “ting, ting, ting.”

If you take photos of bare-breasted women, like at the parties at the Vinewood estate, they will call you a creep and possibly even turn their boyfriends on you.

If you're on the road with Trevor, it's better not to express any music requests. If you do, Trevor will get angry and simply change the radio station back.

If you have put a lot of money into tuning a car, people will notice. They compliment the car and maybe even take a photo with their cell phone.

If you drive into a tunnel, you will have no GPS reception. Clear thing, right?

Flip-flops actually “flop.” They are the only shoes in GTA 5 that are not “stapled” to the sole of your foot.

If you enter any store, there is a chance that you will encounter a shoplifter who is about to attack the store.

What are you doing?

If you follow any woman through the city, she will eventually become nervous, look over her shoulder more often and quicken her pace. Is she up to something? Quickly follow!

Some characters' answering machine will change throughout the game depending on where the character is or what they are doing.

If you do a burnout with a car or motorcycle while there is a corpse underneath the vehicle, you will get a huge wave of blood. Lively! But sick…

Old cars are not only harder to start, they also have extremely squeaky brakes with longer stopping distances and sometimes howling V-belts.

As the days and weeks go by, the phases of the moon also change. This results in the moon providing different light on different days in places where there are no artificial light sources.

If you press the look back button in the car, your character will take a look in the rearview mirror.

If you return later in the game to the Ammu Nation store where you received your first weapons at the beginning, the salesperson will talk to you about how cool the conversation was back then. “Like something out of a movie.”

If you shoot an officer in the leg in a firefight with the police and another colleague is in the immediate vicinity, he will take cover. Anyone who has such enemies…

Birds may not be as dangerous to you as in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, but a confrontation with your plane or helicopter is always fatal for them. They are sucked in by rotors or engines and processed into feather pillows – without a cover.

If you take Michael's car as Trevor or Franklin, he will call you in a rage and scream at you.

The longer you drive a car, the dirtier it gets. This process is of course accelerated off-road. Some passers-by will then ask you about the condition of your car.

If you don't shave regularly, over time you may see stubble, a stubble, and eventually an unkempt full beard on your characters. The same applies to baldness.

Trevor, Michael and Franklin each have a different smartphone. The cell phones imitate Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices. Trevor has the Windows Phone clone, Michael has an iPhone offcut and Franklin uses an Android phone.

When you play as Franklin and get high, he becomes quiet, self-reflective, and reinforces his belief that he doesn't actually have any real friends.
