Unlocking Your Power: The Benefits of Bisexuality in Today’s Society! As the fan favorite game Fallout New Vegas gains popularity once again, fans are embracing the unexpected feature that allows players to fully explore their sexuality.

Game news You are more powerful if you are bisexual! With the resurgence of popularity of Fallout New Vegas, these Internet users remembered this surprising element


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After the television series broadcast on Amazon Prime Video, this video game is now the center of attention. Players remember a bonus that was surprising to say the least.


The success of the Fallout series

A few days ago, the Amazon Prime Video adaptation of the Fallout franchise was finally revealed. After long months of waiting, fans were able to discover this new story set in the Wasteland. While adaptations of famous video game franchises are often little appreciated, this new series has stood out for its brilliant writing and direction. Jonathan Nolan's talent and this rich universe sparked, and fans are asking for more!

Unsurprisingly, a second season has already been confirmed. So while waiting for this sequel, spectators take the opportunity to immerse themselves in the different video games of this license. This resurgence in popularity has led Internet users to evoke memories of past titles. In this context, many talk about Fallout New Vegas, since it is one of the most popular games in the franchise. However, a very specific subject comes up regularly on social networks: that of bisexuality in Fallout New Vegas.

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Bisexuality makes you stronger in Fallout New Vegas

Yes, you read correctly. If you've already played this title released in 2010, you already know what we're talking about here. As you level up, you can choose skills that directly impact your power in certain situations. In particular, you can be a female killer or a male killer, which allows you to have new dialogues and do more damage to men or women. However, these two bonuses are not incompatible, and allow you to flirt with both! A very advantageous situation since the player can inflict 10% additional damage on all humans.


Remembering this information made Internet users laugh a lot, as can be seen in the post above. Thus, many people embark or restart this adventure by choosing to be bisexual in the Wastelands, in order to benefit from one of the most optimal bonuses in the game..

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