Unlocking the Power of the Dark Moon Greatsword in Elden Ring: A Complete Guide

News tip Dark Moon Greatsword Elden Ring: How to obtain this legendary weapon?


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On Elden Ring, you will have the right to some very powerful weapons and there is no doubt that the Greatsword of the Dark Moon can be placed in this category. So, in this article, we guide you step by step so that you can get your hands on it.


Summary of all our guides on Elden Ring


  • What is the Greatsword of the Dark Moon?
  • First step, progress in Ranni's quest
  • How to get Dark Moon Greatsword?

What is the Greatsword of the Dark Moon?

Let's start together by looking at this Dark Moon Greatsword and why it is so strong in Elden Ring. First, know that it is a weapon that comes to us from Caria and therefore that the latter will not only inflict physical damage, but also have a link with magic.

This is also the case for his unique skill which temporarily grants you magical attack power. Additionally, charged attacks will create lunar light projections on your enemies. In addition, it is a weapon that will mainly scale on intelligence.

It is therefore a good weapon for players who plan to fight with a sword, while having a mage role and a few spells in reserve which will still require you to have a good intelligence score. Now that we know what it is for, let's see where to find it!

First step, progress in Ranni's quest

If you want to get your hands on this Dark Moon Greatsword, you will absolutely have to complete Ranni's side quest. Be careful, because this is clearly the longest side quest in Elden Ring, so much so that we are limited on a main quest.

Dark Moon Greatsword Elden Ring: How to obtain this legendary weapon?

So start following the guide that we shared with you previously, until you have defeated Astel, Spawn of the Void. Once that's done, you can take an elevator that will take you to a whole new area of ​​Liurnia.

Dark Moon Greatsword Elden Ring: How to obtain this legendary weapon?

Go northeast of the area to reach the Lunar Cathedral. Go down the hole in the middle, confronting or dodging the dragon Adula. You will then find a Ranni doll in a gallery next to a Two Fingers corpse.

Interact with the doll and put the black moon ring on her finger. This triggers a cutscene and after it, Ranni joins you and gives you the Greatsword of the Dark Moon. There you go, now you know how to get this weapon in game.

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