Unlock secrets in V Rising with admin command console

Are you tired of finding materials for your castle or searching for specific resources? If you want to activate cheats on your private or dedicated server in V Rising, you can do this using console commands. In this guide we will tell you how to open the console, activate admin rights and use the best cheats.

Open console & activate administrator rights

Before you jump straight into the game, you first have to activate the option to open the console. Do you play on one? private serveryou can follow the following steps: Open Options -> General and check the box next to “Console=Enabled”
Starts the private game Press the key combination Shift + '. The latter is the accent key to the left of the backspace key. The console opens. If you want to close the console again, you can do so with the same command that you used to open it. Enter the command in the console adminauth to get administrator privileges and confirm with Enter. If you have rented a dedicated server via GPortal, you must follow the following steps: Once the payment for the server has been completed, click on “My Servers” and select your server. If the server is not yet online, it will do so. Select “Basic Settings” and scroll down the list until you reach “User Management”. Here you will find an empty field under “Adminlist” in which you can enter your SteamID64 have to enter. Enter the numerical code and save the process.


You can find the SteamID64 as follows: Go to your Steam profile, right-click on your profile picture -> copy page link and paste the link into an editor or an address bar. The number order at the end of the link is your SteamID64.

The best cheats

The list of all cheats is long and some of them you will hardly need or not at all. For this reason, we have selected the most useful and best cheats for you. You can find them in the following table:

A notice: Press the spacebar after the command and the full list of possible options opens. You can scroll down the list using the arrow keys.

Console command


|addtime *(number)* Adds in-game hours. Type the command and then a number between 1 and 12. addtime 3 changedurability +/-*(number) Changes the durability by the entered value. + repairs, – damages your equipment. changedurability +1000 give Adds an item of your choice to your inventory. You can increase the number by entering, for example, +100. give “Cotton – Item_Ingredient_Gem_Base – Guid: -656822228” +100 giveset Grants you a stack of items or an equipment set. giveset DarkSilverSet teleport Self Teleports you to a location of your choice. teleport Self waypoint: 6.16 teleport AllPlayers Teleports all players to a location of your choice. teleport AllPlayers waypoint: 6.16 teleportPlayerToMe Teleports a player to your position. teleportPlayerToMe (Name) TeleportToPlayer Teleports you to another player. teleportToPlayer (name)

All cheats

Below you will find the entire list of console commands. If you want to see the complete list of all cheats in-game, you can also use the command in the game list enter into the console. addtime adminauth admindeauth adminonlydebugevents Alias ​​bancharacter banned banuser Bind changedurability changehealthofclosesttomouse clanaccept clandecline claninvite clanleave Clear ClearTempBindings ClientBuildingDebugging Connect Copy CopyDebugDump CopyPositionDump CreateDebugDump CreatePerformanceDump DebugViewEnabled depthoffield disconnect DumpArchetypeInformation DumpBlobAssetMemoryInfo ragmentation DumpComponentMemoryInfo DumpDynamicBufferMemoryInfo DumpEntity DumpEntityQueries DumpEverything DumpPrefabGUIDEntities DumpQueryArchetypes DumpSystemMemory garbageCollectArchetypes GatherAllAllies GatherAllAlliesExceptMe GatherAllNonAllies GatherAllPlayers GatherAllPlayersExceptMe gcCollect give giveset hidecursor JobThreads kick kill List listusers localization logdestroyevents lowqualityatmosphere measureSystemPerformance motionblur MultiCommand OpenCrashDumpFolder OpenLogsFolder performanceTestChunks performchunkdefragmentation PlayerTeleport printactivesequences printactivesounds printallsequences printdestroyevents PrintDynamicResSettings printsunvfxstate ProfileInfo Reconnect RemoveAlias ​​setadminlevel setmipmaplevel setresolution setsystemeabled start buildwallpaper teleport TeleportPlayerToMe TeleportPlayerToMousePosition TeleportToChunk TeleportToChunkWaypoint TeleportToNether TeleportToPlayer TempBind texturestreamingenabled texturestreamingmaxlevelreduction texturestreamingmemorybudget ToggleDebugViewCategory toggleobserve ToggleSetting unban Unbind unloadUnusedAssets useoptimizedqueries
