Understanding the Cardinal Analysis Mechanical Speaker

It’s a trend now everywhere in For you, on TikTok: Internet users dance the words of a character who pronounces “Mechanical speaker of cardinal analysis” with an Anglo-Saxon accent, to rhythmic music. This sentence comes from Genshin Impact.

According to the judgment of the Oratrice Mecanique d’Analyse Cardinale : If you use TikTok regularly, you have already heard this phrase dozens and dozens of times. This audio extract, spoken in French, but with an English accent, transformed into trend (we are talking about millions of views on certain videos, even if on the scale of TikTok, these figures have become classic). On the background rhythmic musicInternet users dance to the extract. But where does this come from?


Mechanical Speaker of Cardinal Analysis

The extract is from the video game Genshin Impact, released in 2020. It is an open world, fantasy type. New regions are regularly added through updates, and even if it is an imaginary universe, each region is inspired by a very real region of our planet. The latest region added is called Fountain and it is inspired by… France.

Even if the game is English, and the characters speak in English, this region is therefore full of French expressions. This is where Neuvillette comes in, whose name comes from a small French commune, but who, in the game, is a supreme judge of the Fontaine region. It is this character who pronounces this sentence, then dubbed by the American actor Ray Chase: According to the judgment of the Oratrice Mecanique d’Analyse Cardinale.

But what is theMechanical Speaker of Cardinal Analysis ? It is a gigantic mechanical machine, which takes the form of a scale of justice. Yes, remember: Neuvillette is supreme judge. The machine constitutes both an energy generator, but also a source of justice: it issues legal opinions, to which the court must comply. The Speaker is considered conscious.

The famous Speaker of cardinal mechanical analysis. // Source: Genghin Impact
The famous Speaker of cardinal mechanical analysis. // Source: Genghin Impact

The idea of ​​“cardinal analysis” surely comes from the logic of the balance. In mathematics, what is cardinal refers to the number of elements of a set (as opposed to the ordinal: the rank, the position of a number in a set). We can assume that this expression was chosen because the balance will go in one direction or the other depending on the number of elements in favor or against the decision.


This is in any case why, in the extract, the character refers to the “judgment” of the Mechanical Speaker of Cardinal Analysis. And since the region is supposed to be French, that’s why he speaks in French, but with this accent. The music was added on TikTok. Suddenly everything makes sense.
