Uncovering the Winning Strategies in Mario Kart 8’s 703,560 Possibilities!

Game news Among the 703,560 possibilities offered in Mario Kart 8, it determines what will definitely make you win!


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Each update of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe challenges everyone, but this scientist calculates for you the best combination of karts to win.


A very strategic racing game

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe promises real fun with friends. However, it is difficult to talk about Nintendo's game without mentioning its competitive aspect. Whether we like it or not, it's a very important dynamic, which pushes us to take each race very seriously. Arriving first is not easy. While you obviously have to know the terrain by heart, you also have to be careful not to use your objects haphazardly. It's all a question of strategy, coordination, but also choice. If many newbies to the title simply choose their favorite character and a somewhat pretty and balanced kart for their first races, this is actually a mistake. Not all heroes in Mario Kart 8 have the same chance of winning. It's mathematical, but luckily this data scientist has calculated all the vehicle combinations for you.

And the best kart is….

Choosing your kart in Mario Kart is not that easy. According to data scientist Antoine Mayerowitz, these are even close to 703,560 construction options that should be considered. To find this result, simply calculate their number of characters, number of karts, number of wheels, with all the wings. Luckily, most of these items have the same stats, bringing the possibilities down to 25,704 distinct options. That's still a lot, but there are still ways to reduce that number. On his website, visually very well thought out and very clear, he analyzes all the data. To put it simply, using the mathematician Pareto method, he was able to isolate each characteristic of each character.

Some, like Bowser, are among the fastest in the game, the complete opposite of baby Peach for example. Only, Mario Kart 8 isn't just about speed. You also need to check the weight, acceleration, or even the mini turbo. With the latter for example, if we take it into account with the best acceleration, then we realize that Bowser is completely lost. Babies, on the other hand, become more advantageous.

You will have understood, it all depends on your style of play, and we invite you to calculate this happy medium yourself. However, among these thousands of choices, one stands out as being the most versatile: Peach, the Teddy Buggy, Roller tires and the Cloud Glider. Unsurprisingly, it is also one of the favorite choices of players. Why not try it during your next race? Of course, we remind you that even if you choose this configuration, it will not necessarily give you victory, and that the best combination remains the one you prefer.

About Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


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