Twitch streamer creates mod that allows viewers to set NPCs to music

Almost thirteen years after the original release The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim still a paradise for many modders, including him Twitch streamer Blurbs was impressed. His idea? Using a plugin, enable the chat to submit individual lines of dialogue for different NPCs.


No sooner said than done, and of course it ends up the way it always has to be on the internet: instead of following friendly words that fit a fantasy role-playing game Memes, Insults and lots of absurd ones Statementswhich make the streamer regret the mod a little bit.

This is what Skyrim would sound like if the Twitch chat wrote dialogues

The basis for Blurb's mod is relatively simple: every subscriber to his Twitch channel can have one Message maximum 300 characters long Write, specify a gender and voice tone and then send it in. The mod then implements what is said into the world of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim using a text-to-speech tool.

Of course, it didn't take long for the Twitch chat to be the way it is. As soon as the mod was active, Blurb's character was greeted with the words “Hey there, kid, you want some drugs?”, “You smell like bad cheese… I think it's your feet” or “Sup dude, nice c*** “welcomed. As time went on, some became Lines of dialogue even more absurdtook up memes or tried to convey the complete tragedy of Darth Plaugeis.

What Blurbs didn't fully reveal before: If an NPC dies that was set to music by a user, then that person was used for the chat banned for five minutes. There was always a bit of a risk that the streamer might pull out the sword out of revenge for what was said. After the mod reached the “maximum level of dumbing down,” according to Blurbs, he regretted his decision and issued a tongue-in-cheek apology on Twitter for his idea.


No release planned

However, if you are a streamer yourself and are interested in the Skyrim tool, you are looking into the tube. Blurbs, so reported Kotakucurrently have no planto make its modification available to the public. This is primarily a technical problem, as it is not a classic mod, but rather includes various programs that are connected to each other.

However, he wants to publish a YouTube video where he will explain the technical background in more detail. If you want, you may be able to your own solution to incorporate Twitch chat into Skyrim in one way or another.

Alternatively and independent of Skyrim You can pick up your dose of Bethesda from an offer that is also part of Amazon: The Fallout series has been running on Prime since the beginning of April and got off to a more than successful start.
