Tomb Raider: Lara Croft’s Updated Look for Upcoming Game Appears to be Set

While Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was launched for Valentine's Day, the account Twitter / X official license has guest this Wednesday the players to join an organization called Society of Raiders (there Society of Plunderers if we translate the name), supporting visual. On the associated logo appear a motto in Latin “Verum invenire virtus revela” or “Finding the truth reveals virtue” in French. Interesting fact, the article is accompanied by a message from Conrad Roththe captain of theEndurance in the game tomb Raider from 2013.

Lara, you asked me once… who are we, this Society of Plunderers? Where do we come from ? Well, truth be told, we've always been here, exploring the darkest corners of forgotten tombs, searching for ancient treasures, unearthing the truth… discovering power. We could be anyone: captain of a ship, museum curator, mercenary or even heir to a great family. We seek answers to questions that have haunted humanity since the dawn of time. What mysteries remain to be discovered? What truths remain hidden and surrounded by myths? The world is full of unanswered questions, beyond any limit or reason…adventure awaits!

~Conrad Roth

The article of Crystal Dynamics then invites us to register in order to join the ranks of this Society of Raiders to be kept informed of upcoming information surrounding the license. Once registered, we have access to a survey which asks us in particular if we would be interested in participating in playtests upcoming products, the number of games purchased per year… but also our annual income and our level of education. Yes, this is surprising at first glance. A puzzle is also present on the site, not very complicated and which rewards with a profile illustration.

In addition to that, the announcement video for the next episode under Unreal Engine 5 and the trailer for the animated series Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, two wallpapers are offered to members, which directly caught the attention of fans. You can find them below and as you can see, they highlight the heroine.

This “new” appearance has already been used for the Tracer Pack: Tomb Raider Operator Bundle of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and Warzone last summer, although his face looked a little different then, but maybe it's just a matter of angle or 3D modeling. Necessarily, everything suggests that this is what Lara will look like in the game currently in development, but you will have to wait to be sure. There is also mention of an avatar that can only be obtained by registering before March 14, 2024. Should we expect any revelation at that time? We will soon find out if this is the case.

Tomb Raider wallpaper Society of Raiders 01 15 02 2024 Tomb Raider wallpaper Society of Raiders 02 15 02 2024

If you wish to obtain Tomb Raider I-III Remastered on PC, Gamesplanet offers it at the price of €26.09.