Tinder and OkCupid Partner with ChatGPT to Break the Ice

The group which notably owns Tinder and OkCupid has just announced, in a written press release with ChatGPT, that it is signing a partnership with OpenAI.

If some Internet users have already started using ChatGPT's artificial intelligence to flirt on Tinder, it seems that this is only the beginning. In a Press release published on February 21, 2024, the company Match Group — which owns Tinder, Hinge and OkCupid in particular — announces its partnership with OpenAI, the company behind the famous generative AI.


The press release, moreover, was written by ChatGPT. There is also a first-person statement, where ChatGPT is personified. “ I am delighted that Match Group chose me. Together, we don't just break the ice, we melt it, and we reshape the way work gets done. » The text specifies that ChatGPT said this “ laughing » (?).

“ChatGPT is the new coffee machine”

But what does this association consist of? Above all, it is about integrating it into the company's working methods. In total, a thousand licenses will be distributed to employees of the Match group.

The press release was written by ChatGPT // Source: CP screenshot from MatchGroup
The press release was written by ChatGPT // Source: CP screenshot from MatchGroup

Imagine a workplace where ChatGPT is the new coffee machine: everyone gathers there “, boasts the press release, which specifies that employees will use AI to ” improve » coding, design, analysis, model creation or even internal communications, the objective apparently being to “ eliminate much of the hardest daily work “. Will Wu, the group's chief technology officer, touts technology that would boost employee productivity and revolutionize the way they work.

“AI has always been our not-so-secret admirer”

Match Group and ChatGPT

Collaboration might not stop at these internal changes. “ From improving trust and security features to perfecting romantic connection algorithms, AI has always been our not-so-secret admirer. And with this latest collaboration, we renew our vows to move towards a future brimming with innovation », Indicates this press release very cryptically – written by ChatGPT, remember.


This very strange press release ends by specifying that Match Group and OpenAI “ are just beginning this romantic technological journey “. Could AI-powered features see the light of day in Tinder, Hinge or OkCupid? This, it seems, is the way. It remains to be seen whether these apps, already accused of dehumanizing human relationships, have that much to gain.

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Low price packages. // Source: CanvaLow price packages. // Source: Canva
