The company Rentmitly has created a world map, which represents the corresponding dream job for each country.So in America and Canada many people become pilots.In South America, on the other hand, activities as entrepreneurs or influencers are particularly popular.
In this article you can find out exactly how the data was collected and what the picture is like in Germany and Europe.And of course there are also the cards themselves.
How was the data collected?
To fill the map with life, Renmitly evaluated the global search volume for specific Google searches.Search volume is the number of searches performed annually for a specific Google search.
Rentmitly has been looking for the principle How will I..
focused.The search queries were reformulated in the appropriate national language.According to Renmitly, this should only show people who are in the job-finding phase at the time of the search.
more on the subject
Viewing the world of 1587 on Google is just insane
However, the data should be taken with caution.While Google’s search volume can be used as a guide to trends.However, there can still be a difference between a search query on Google and a very specific job interest.
Germans want to be professors, French lawyers
In our opinion, looking at the right card is still entertaining.In Europe, career aspirations are mixed.People in France are most interested in being a lawyer, whereas people in Germany want to be a professor.
People in Spain are particularly often looking for ways to become an influencer, while people in the UK dream of becoming a pilot.There also seem to be a lot of creative people living in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, because according to Rentmitly writing is the dream job there.
In Europe, the dream jobs are mixed.Image source: Renmitly.
The situation is similar in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Belarus.People there also want to record their experiences as writers.Creative and artistic things are also going on in Austria and Turkey.The actor’s job is particularly popular there.
The world’s most coveted dream jobs
A few professions seem to be of interest to a particularly large number of people.The most searched profession is pilot with over 900,000 searches.There were more than 800,000 searches for the profession of writer.
People in Canada and the US want to be pilots.Image source: Renmitly
This is followed by dancers with 280,000 global searches and YouTubers with almost 200,000 searches.Other coveted jobs include singers with 160,000 searches and lawyers with almost 80,000 searches.
But much more is possible with maps, as a secret Google Maps function impressively shows: Viewing the world of 1587 on Google is just amazing
Is your dream job here?Does the dream job for your country apply to you or is the map totally wrong?Feel free to write it in the comments.