Game of Thrones has proven it: dragons still fascinate us. The huge, fire-breathing beasts are among the most popular enemies and allies in the fantasy genre. And soon we can look forward to one new film about the scary creatures which is eagerly awaited by fans. Now there are the first pictures of the dragons, which we don't want to withhold from you!
Who is the most powerful dragon in House of the Dragon?
With Game of Thrones at the latest we have dragons celebrated their comeback to our screens. While they become particularly important towards the end in the highly acclaimed fantasy series, the fire-breathing creatures are prominent in the prequel series House of the Dragon the focus from the start. House of the Dragon is about the disintegration of the ruling Targaryen family, which secured its power primarily through dragons.
The one probably most powerful of them was a long time Balerion, the Black Terror. After his death takes over Vhagar in the series House of the Dragon, which, by the way, is coming soon returns with a third seasonthe title of most powerful dragon. While the fascination with dragons in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon is undisputed, the two series are primarily for adults.
But even children and everyone young at heart don't have to do without the fire-breathing creatures. One of the most anticipated films of recent years, which is also suitable for a younger audience, will soon be celebrating its theatrical release. And dragons play a central role, as the first images from the film prove!
When is the live-action adaptation of How to Train Your Dragon coming?
Specifically, it is this Live-action adaptation of the animated hit How to Train Your Dragonwhich already on June 12, 2025 should start in German cinemas. Of course, the designs of the numerous dragons that give the film its name are particularly interesting. Until now they were only known as animated creatures. The first teaser trailer gave us a few more insights. And now we can also get our first look at one of the most important dragons, Hookfang. But see for yourself:
The third part of the animated film series about the legendary dragons has us back then very enthusiastic in our review. It remains to be seen whether the euphoria will continue after the live-action film adaptation. The first teaser trailer but definitely makes you want more. Aside from Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, are you also looking forward to replenishment in the form of the fire-breathing monsters?