The wondrous world of the GTA role-playing game – into the rabbit hole of the GTAV role-playing game servers, off to the role-playing game, faction knowledge – user article


At the beginning of April 2024, I fell down the rabbit hole called GTA 5 RPG. In this article I report on my experiences.

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Grand Theft Auto 5 grabbed me as a role play. I had no previous experience with the game, for example I never played through the main story. The idea of ​​a role-playing game in Rockstar's gangster simulation appealed to me the first time I heard about it. So much so that I wanted to plunge straight into the adventure.

Since a friend of mine plays on the server, I also registered there and immediately found a reference point to the start. So I created a character there, Miles Fox, who comes from the Porz district of Cologne. A guy with his heart in the right place, but who suffers from excessive overconfidence and calls himself “The Babo”. The son of an American soldier and a German geriatric nurse, he grew tired of his life in Germany at some point. After his girlfriend left him, his life only consisted of sadness and job appointments. Without further ado, he got on a plane and traveled to the island called Los Santos. At least according to his brief backstory.

Technically speaking, the first steps consist of the somewhat complicated installation of two launchers that are required to access the server at all. You also need to add a plugin to Teamspeak in order to use proximity chat. This is explained in a guide on the website mentioned above. Now back to Miles.

The controls have been expanded compared to normal GTA. You can interact with many objects via a ring menu that opens with the X button. It takes a little getting used to at first, but it's accessible.

Let’s get into the (role) game!

Miles' life on the island, like that of every new character, begins when he arrives at the airport. This place combines a short introduction to the controls, which initially take some getting used to, with an entry interview. This is intended to test the candidate's understanding of role play. To do this, a few questions are asked about the background and motivation of the newcomer, played out as a role play. It is important that the date and place of birth are also asked. Something that is unusual in many other role-playing games and can therefore easily get on your feet. Because it can quickly happen that if you have insufficient background, you will receive an “entry ban” for a few days in order to revise your character.

As soon as you have completed the entry interview, you will be released into the world of Los Santos. The newcomer receives a “Blue Book” as a companion. This is another kind of tutorial that will explain the first steps in this variant of the game. So you are encouraged to buy a scooter, because you are only allowed to drive cars with a car driving license. You will also be guided to electronics retailers to buy your first smartphone and a tablet. The smartphone is particularly important here because many interactions with authorities, which consist of other players, are carried out via it. The phone allows you to call and be called other players. Each player has their own cell phone number.

The next step is an introduction to the first job system. Here you can get legal tasks from some NPCs, also known as “headless” people. So the Blue Book guides you to an Italian restaurant for which you are supposed to deliver pizza. Unfortunately, this activity is not particularly exciting, as you have to drive along a fixed route on a scooter and then bring the hot slices to the “customers” on foot. This only takes about 10 minutes, but is paid rather poorly at around $3,000. There are other jobs that pay much better and are more fun. In addition to a job as a gardener, you can also work as a bus driver, trucker or for an undertaker, among other things.

Faction customer

After this section of the game has finally been mastered, we move on to the “government”, which is also completely occupied by players and thus leads to further role-playing situations. Here you register and also apply for your unemployment benefit, which is available to every player who does not belong to a faction or is employed by an authority. These players are called civilians. At the same time you get a social apartment, which Miles didn't have to use because he was able to stay with a friend.

But first enough about the state factions. You can also get involved with a variety of illegal factions. These are groups of players who carry out illegal activities together. These include, for example, the cultivation and sale of cannabis or the cooking of hard drugs. Robberies and hostage-taking are also part of their area of ​​activity. In addition to these factions and the authorities, there are also other interesting player groups, such as the tuner workshop called Los Santos Customs or the reporters from Weazle News, which are on Publish articles about the game. Furthermore, every player is also able to run their own company and earn money from it. However, these must then be registered with the Ministry of Commerce and pay sales tax.

The Babomobile. With the necessary change, you can have your cars beautified in a variety of ways by the LSC tuners.