The first super mutant in the Fallout series? Fans are on the trail of the secret of a minor character

There are no super mutants in the Fallout series (yet). But perhaps this has already been prepared for season 2.

There are no super mutants in the Fallout series (yet). But perhaps this has already been prepared for season 2.


The Fallout series is a celebration – pretty much everyone agrees on that. Nevertheless, fans of the video games have to do without a few elements of the original in season 1. That's actually not a bad thing, because the series by Jonathan Nolan, Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner definitely doesn't lack Easter eggs and allusions.

For example, there are still death claws to come (which should open in season 2), and also from Super mutants (Almost) every trace is still missing. Yes, the mutated people who were exposed to the so-called Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) are at least alluded to in a wanted poster.

But none of the monsters appear in person in the first season. Maybe, just maybe, Fallout has already alluded to the debut of the first series mutant. You ask yourself, to what extent? Enter Thaddeus (Johnny Pemberton) – the Brotherhood's dull squire and rival to Maximus (Aaron Clifton Moten).


Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing
Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing

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Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing

Will Thaddeus become a super mutant?

In case you don't remember: After Thaddeus and Maximus have been traveling together for a while (because Thaddeus mistakes the knight in the T-60 power armor for Titus), an argument breaks out between the two. Thaddeus' foot is trampled flat while he still manages to pry the fusion core out of Maximus' armor.

Thaddeus then tries to get back to the Brotherhood of Steel and runs into an… interesting personality: The dealer, who is only identified as Snake Oil Salesman (Jon Daly). The oddball sells Thaddeus a mysterious serumwhich actually heals Thaddeus' foot!

However, it later turns out that this actually has some unwanted side effects. Thaddeus survives a shot in the neck, leading Maximus to conclude: Thaddeus becomes a ghoul. But Maximus could also be wrong (as is so often the case). Because it is not necessarily an established cause of the transformation into a ghoul.

Just a least for Thaddeus. Image source: Amazon Prime Video
Just a least for Thaddeus. Image source: Amazon Prime Video

Just a scratch…at least for Thaddeus. Image source: Amazon Prime Video

There are therefore three popular theories in the Fallout community as to exactly what kind of drug Thaddeus may have administered to himself:

  • the mysterious serum from Fallout 4, which is based on the blood of archaeologist Lorenzo Cabot. As a result, Cabot himself became immortal and can draw on supernatural powers. Lore expert came up with the idea TKs Mantis at X (formerly Twitter).
  • the Healing Factor Serum, which causes a special healing effect for a limited time and would explain the immense healing of Thaddeus' foot – at least that's what is speculated Medic Wasteland also on X.
  • But there is also a lot of discussion about the fact that Thaddeus has given himself a variant of the FEV virus and is therefore facing a pretty gruesome mutation. This idea is brought up again and again on Reddit, for example here.

The latter in particular would explain why the Snake Oil Salesman was in such an incredible hurry to get away. We won't find out whether one of the three theories actually comes true and, if so, which one, in season 2 at the earliest. This has now even been officially confirmed, but it remains to be seen when the new episodes will appear in season 2.

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And of course we want to know your opinion: What kind of stuff is running through Thaddeus' veins now? Will we see him again in season 2 as a ghoul, a super mutant or even worse? Share your theory with us in the comments!
