The first images show Liam Hemsworth as the new Geralt of Rivia

For many Netflix viewers, it may initially be unusual to no longer see Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia. Image source: Netflix

For many Netflix viewers, it may initially be unusual to no longer see Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia. Image source: Netflix


Since Henry Cavill threw in the towel as Geralt of Rivia because the Netflix series was developing in a direction he found unsatisfactory, the big question has been: How well will his successor Liam Hemsworth be able to fill the big shoes?

This question was usually less about his acting performance and more about his physical appearance. Would he come close to Cavill's Geralt visually or not?

Now we have an answer – and also the first fan reactions. The images that have emerged also reveal an exciting detail about the future of the series.

Better than I expected

The pictures of Liam Hemsworth as Geralt of Rivia come from Filmmagazin Colliderwe have embedded a post on X (formerly Twitter) here for you:


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One thing we can state with a clear conscience: Liam Hemsworth cuts a fine figure as Geralt of Rivia. Some fans are still a bit bothered by the very clean look on the face, but it's important to remember that Netflix would hardly choose a shot after a bloody confrontation with a wyvern as the first outing of the new Geralt.

Speaking of fans, they are usually also impressed by what they see. On Reddit For example, many comments are positive. From Better than expected and He will be great right up to the user's conclusion dtothep2who says:

Listen, I'll just say it: at least size-wise, he looks more like Geralt than Cavill.

The Witcher: The Yennefer actress takes you behind the scenes of one of the most important scenes
The Witcher: The Yennefer actress takes you behind the scenes of one of the most important scenes

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The Witcher: The Yennefer actress takes you behind the scenes of one of the most important scenes

Will scenes from previous seasons be partially re-shot?

Small spoiler warning: If you haven't watched The Witcher on Netflix yet, an important plot detail could now be revealed to you. Therefore, please read on at your own risk!

The image above appears to be an official production photo. Much more exciting, however, are a number of other snapshots that are also making the rounds on the Internet.

The website Redanian Intelligence More photos came into our hands, which show, among other things, Liam Hemsworth as Geralt fighting against the evil wizard Vilgefortz – at exactly the same place where the two met in the finale of season 3.

Another image shows Liam Hemsworth in the armor worn by Henry Cavill in Season 2. The assumption is therefore obvious, that for some reason a number of previous scenes from the series will be reshot for Season 4.

It would be conceivable that in the course of the future plot we would see a flashback that shows important key moments. And so that they don't cause confusion among the viewers when Henry Cavill suddenly appears again, the scenes are now being re-shot.
