The Best Starting Class in Last Epoch: A Tier List

The first question you're going to have to ask yourself about Last Epoch is class. So, in this article, we invite you to see together the 15 options available to you with masteries, classifying them according to their power.

It is impossible to change specialty

Before we launch into the tier list of classes in Last Epoch, let's clarify a few points. The first is that the classification that we are going to present to you here may differ for you for two main reasons. The first is that patches can nerf or on the contrary buff certain spells and passives.


The second reason is that not all classes will be enjoyable to play for everyone. See this list as a way to give yourself ideas, not a classification to be taken literally. Finally, let us point out that in addition to the 5 classes, each has 3 masteries.

This allows you to have a total of 15 different builds in the game. Moreover, if you can respecialize, know that on the other hand, you will not be able to go back when it comes to the choice of your specialty! So choose carefully the one that suits you.

The best classes to get started on Last Epoch – Tier S

Let's start our tour of the Last Epoch classes together by introducing you to the 5 which for us are part of the Tier S of the game, that is to say the classes with which you will not struggle to play. For each, we gave you a short presentation of the strong points.

The Runemaster (mage)

This first class allows you to hurt your enemies using spells that inflict damage over time. It allows you to deal good damage, even with relatively simple equipment. The only weak point is that it is quite mana intensive, even if you can recover some through spells.


The Paladin (Sentinel)

Here we are facing an archetype that we know well in role-playing games, a rather tanky warrior who will have a rather support-oriented role with in particular spells which will heal or buffer. In terms of damage, he will be able to apply good damage in AoE, especially with his Javelin.

The Warlock (Acolyte)

The Warlock is a very accessible class that is not only quite simple to equip, but is also quite simple to play. Its chthonic fault, for example, is very strong since it allows you to not only do area damage, but also to make spirits appear which will also inflict damage.

The falconer (assassin)

As his name suggests, the falconer uses his falcons to fight. Be careful though, it's a fragile class that requires good placement and good use of traps to achieve optimal damage on its enemies.

The Druid (Primalist)

The Druid is a very interesting class to play around metamorphosis which will allow you to do very high damage in AoE once you have a few levels. Be careful though, because the start of the game is a little complicated for this class.

Tier A: Classes worth the detour

Let's now move on to Tier A which are largely viable classes, but which will still be missing a little something to move them into Tier S. However, there is plenty to have fun with with the 6 classes that we will present to you below.

The Blade Dancer (Assassin)

The Blade Dancer is an assassin build that allows you to spring from shadows to deal heavy damage in seconds to your enemies. Done well, this is quickly lethal, but be careful not to make a false step because you are vulnerable.

The Sniper (Assassin)

The last assassin class is that of the sniper which will be a bit like that of the falconer in the sense that you will try to prepare the ground with traps. Except that this time it's arrows and shuriken that you will throw and not hawks.

The Beastmaster (Primalist)

The idea of ​​this class will be to summon a pack of wolves that you will be able to buffer while they fight alongside you. Obviously, you will also have some abilities which will allow you in turn to throw yourself into battle if you wish.

The Necromancer (Acolyte)

The necromancer will have gameplay that will consist of summoning undead allies to fight for him. Here, your summons will not be that powerful, but you will be able to have a lot of them which will allow you to compensate for their low individual power.

The Lich (Acolyte)

The Lich will play around two main axes. The first will be to place zones that will inflict damage over time on enemies. Then, you will be able to transform yourself into a lich, a bit like a druid.

The Mageblade (mage)

The mageblade is a somewhat specific class. This is because she uses melee weapo
