The American President is looking for a Meme Lord – No, this is not a joke, but a job advertisement

With the “Dark Brandon” meme, US President Biden himself became a meme. (Image: TwitterJoeBiden)

With the “Dark Brandon” meme, US President Biden himself became a meme. (Image: Twitter/JoeBiden)


Chancellor Scholz has recently been on TikTok (and has now had one million clicks harvested), the US President goes one step further.

Joe Biden's team is looking for a Meme Lord (among others) for the 2024 US presidential election campaign. Techcrunch).

Why this is important: Politicians are trying to reach younger voters where the target group is: on the Internet. Memes are a proven way to get close to digital natives.

This is the job: Managing the day-to-day operations of integrating the most important content and meme pages on the internet. The paycheck can end up being up to $85,000 for the Meme Lord.


This is what the job advertisement looks like: On the official website the election campaigner you can see what the meme lord of the incumbent presidents has to bring with him.

  • In-depth knowledge of the digital media landscape and the ability to identify Internet trends and/or content opportunities.
  • Exceptional creativity in developing content and strategies is a must
  • Ability to navigate a fast-paced environment and deal with ambiguity to achieve the desired outcome.

Memes are nothing new for the president

Even before this hire, the Biden campaign relied on memes to appeal to voters.

The »Dark Brandon« memewhich shows Joe Biden with glowing red eyes, is based on right-wing conspiracy theories about the president, but was made successful by the president's team monetized.

Even Donald Trump has monetized his own mugshot and have his portrait printed on T-shirts, mugs and other merchandise.

It remains questionable whether Biden will attract voters with this. The Sword of Damocles still hangs over TikTok's head, which could be banned in the USA.

Techcrunch suspects that the target audience could see behind the facade. On the surface, memes are used for advertising, but behind the scenes, action is being taken against TikTok.

What do you think about a meme lord for the president? Is this exactly the right way to appeal to the young electorate? Could you imagine doing such a job? Feel free to write in the comments.
