Thank you, Prime Video! This video game series is flourishing again through a series

The days of bad video game adaptations are finally over! Arcane, Knuckles and The Super Mario Bros. Movie show how well animation can work, and The Witcher, The Last of Us and most recently Fallout set the narrative bar extremely high. The nice thing about it: you immediately want more. And in the case of Fallout, there are enough stories to discover.

With the release of the Fallout series, a new hype emerged around the wasteland adventures. Fallout 4 (buy now / €18.99 ) achieved player numbers that have not been reached since the release in 2015 and even Fallout 76 experienced a revival. The next-gen update also contributes to this, making Fallout 4 playable on the PS5 and Series X in 4K and 60 fps.


Fallout | OPINION | Rebirth thanks to Prime Video

Time for a new beginning

For me, the rerun started a year ago in preparation for the series. Coincidence also played a part here, because at the time I was… Steam Deck increased and the fourth part works fantastically on the handheld.

Lirum, Larum, I quickly asked myself why I hadn't touched the game series for so long. A few thoughts later, I knew exactly why: Fallout stands out from my gaming habits like no other game.


I'll tell it like it is: I often find it difficult to get involved in long, drawn-out games. I like it short, sweet, with a lot of action and little mental challenge. That's why I end up playing EA FC or Call of Duty. But Fallout is a mentioned exception. This may be because you can play the game however you like. If we ask 100 players, we will probably get to know 100 different playing styles and stories.

Source: buffed

Crawl out Through the Fallout

I always find myself spending countless hours in nonsensical conversations or hiking through the wasteland. My German Shepherd Dogmeat is always at my side. He always annoys me, but how can you be mad at the little one? Especially since he is my only true companion in this apocalyptic world. I'll tell it like it is: If the apocalypse happens, I'll trust animals more than people!

But that may also be due to the way I play. Because in the game I'm an absolute opportunist and I arrange everything the way I need it at the time. Ambushes, stealth passages, ruthless murders – yup, that's my way to play!

Although the role-playing aspect was in Fallout 4, compared to his predecessors, back, but that didn't bother me personally. I'm pretty sure that many newbies feel the same way and that could even have a positive effect.

You don't have to worry about consequences, the gunplay is fun, thanks to the higher refresh rate, and will appeal to shooter friends. There are also a whole bunch of side quests that don't go into too much depth, but give a good feel for Bethesda's role-playing games.

For me this means that I can easily lose myself in the Commonwealth, but I can also just look at it for two hours and then put the controller away again. The residents' stories are deep enough to captivate me, but not too wired and complex to lose me. This is an important aspect for me because I don't want to have to constantly re-educate myself in order to understand where I was at the last score. Having to relearn the controls is enough for me.
