[Switch] Ldn_mitm, FPSLocker, SaltyNX and Status Monitor Overlay updated – News and current affairs posted on LS

Many software for the Nintendo Switch have been updated. Let's take a look around.

SaltyNX : The plugin allowing you to run processes in the background is back in version 0.8.0, a fairly rich update.


– Change from gnu++20 to gnu++23


– Added an IPC allowing you to change the screen refresh rate

– Added support for the Display Sync option in the display settings available in FPSLocker 2.0.0

Core / NX-FPS:

– Added support for the new generation of FPSLocker patches which added additional inputs for 40, 45, 50 + 55 Hz and which allow to force FPS lock.

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– Now, if an FPSLocker target matches the screen refresh rate, NX-FPS FPS lock is automatically disabled to avoid lag (unless the FPSLocker patch enforces FPS lock).

– Since this version, SaltyNX no longer supports FWs prior to 10.0.0

As we just saw in SaltyNX, FPSLocker is available in v2.0.0. As already announced with SaltyNX, the LCD refresh rate can now be adjusted and synchronized with the frame rate, but this is still experimental. Additionally, new configurations are supported where most of the calculations have been moved to overlay, making patches smaller overall.


– Added the Display settings menu to change the LCD refresh rate (do not put the Switch in the dock with a changed refresh rate when the game is in progress, otherwise there is a risk of the game crashing), not available for the OLED model. SaltyNX 0.8.0+ is required for this menu to display. More information in the readme.

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– Added support for the next revision of game configurations which make them smaller and move most of the calculations into the FPSLocker layer itself.

– Transition from c++20 to c++23

Ldn_mitm as for it goes to v1.17.0, as you know it is the plugin which allows you to play games online that have a LAN mode.

Some corrections, and above all support for the very latest Atmosphère 1.7.1.

Here too it is a question of going from c++20 to c++23 and with SaltyNX 0.8.0+, the FPS Graph mode will adjust the height according to the refresh rate of the rear screen received.

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