Starship Troopers Terran Command: Developers regret the lack of multiplayer, but it was “the right decision”

The strategy game Starship Troopers: Terran Command is now almost two years old, but its fans “still demand more”.

At least that's what the developer studio says and they don't want to ignore it. At the same time, they regret that they weren't able to implement a multiplayer mode for the game.


What has the team achieved?

“We've added a lot of content to the game since release, from free updates like the Chemical Troopers scenarios, the Scenario Editor and Steam Workshop integration to the recently released Raising Hell DLC,” says Lukas Nijsten, Lead Creative Developer at The Artistocrats, in an interview with

“Our conclusion from all this is that the game's community is still very active and fans are still demanding more. Since we released the Steam Workshop integration, a lot of high-quality content has been added there too. This encourages us to keep working on the game, both in the form of new DLC – such as Urban Onslaught – and with further free updates.”

Starship Troopers: Terran Command – Urban Onslaught Screenshots

Feedback from fans helped them learn what they liked most about the game. And they built on that: “Our players clearly showed us that they liked story-driven campaign missions,” he explains. “At the same time, we realized that we should add more replay value and implement epic defensive battles in future updates. The Whiskey Outpost battle is one of the most memorable scenes from the original film, and people enjoy the challenge and experience of such a tactical situation.”

“In the upcoming Urbab Onslaught DLC, we're focusing particularly on strengthening players' defensive options by introducing a number of new gun types. And there are several missions where stopping the Arachnid hordes is an important part.”


As mentioned at the beginning, Nijsten regrets that there is no multiplayer mode. When asked if there was anything that had to be cut or could not be implemented, he replied: “Multiplayer is the main thing that comes to mind. Given the size of the team at the start of this project, we made the right decision to focus primarily on developing a strong single-player experience. However, I would have liked to have had a cooperative multiplayer mode. It would have been a lot of fun to design and play. I'm sure it would have been a great addition.”

The new DLC Urban Onslaught is scheduled to be released for Starship Troopers: Terran Command in June 2024.
