Star Wars is one of three new series parts, says “trusted source”

Empire, Clone Wars, Old or New Republic? The rumors about a Star Wars game from the Total War makers fire up the imagination when it comes to possible scenarios.

Empire, Clone Wars, Old or New Republic? The rumors about a Star Wars game from the Total War makers fire up the imagination when it comes to possible scenarios.


If you are currently feeling a shaking of power, it is because information about a new Star Wars strategy game have become public – and it is supposedly created by Creative Assembly, the makers of Total War.

While this news alone might get your lightsaber buzzing, there's more: the Total War excursion into the world of Star Wars is just one of them a total of three secret projects that the British studio is currently working on.

What happened?

The usually well-informed website DualShockers has published a report, which cites “a trustworthy source.” This has explosive information submitted to the magazine:

  • Creative Assembly is working on three new strategy games as part of Total War.
  • Be one of them an official Star Wars game with a Disney license.
  • The last status the source is from October 2023.
  • A release of Total War: Star Wars could take place “in the next few years”.

The rumor is currently cannot be independently confirmed. However mentions well-known insider Tom Henderson in the course of reporting that he had already heard of a “futuristic” Total War at the end of 2022. Several people who have heard about the project second-hand have unanimously reported that it is a Star Wars game.


“So, at least in my opinion, the rumor is very credible and probably true.”

Tom Henderson

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Star Wars: Empire at War - The best mods for the RTS classic - The best mods for the RTS classic

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Not the only Star Wars strategy game

Total War is known for large battles, a huge overview map and a lot of atmosphere, so it would be an ideal partner for Star Wars, even if the studio is only interested in it so far historical scenarios and fantasy worlds like Warhammer tried.

If the new information turns out to be true, Total War: Star Wars would be not the only strategy game, which is currently in development for Star Wars. The Bit Reactor studio has also been working on an RTS with lightsabers and spaceships for Electronic Arts for a while now.

Previously there was a dry spell of 18 years; The last strategy game in the world of Darth Vader and Co. was the aforementioned Empire at War.
