Star Trek megastar William Shatner (Captain Kirk) regrets one of his biggest mistakes

Each Star Trek fan is of course William Shatner a term that has been around for many years in its Role of Captain Kirk explored the vastness of the universe. But not only hired as an actor William Shatner joined Star Trek, he also took over the director of three documentaries that revolved around Star Trek and were also one of the Star Trek movies.

One of these Star Trek projects regretted William Shatner today and describes his work as “complete failure“. Which Star Trek project it is here?


William Shatner was not always successful as a director

In the 80's William Shatner negotiated a deal with the production company Paramount Shatner continued Paramount the gun to the chest and told the production company his further Act as Captain Kirk in the then planned Star Trek film “The Voyage Home” only under the condition to, for the following film also directed Paramount agreed.

That this subsequent film later to the less successful Star Trek works Nobody could have guessed that it would be the first film of its kind. This is the film “Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier”, which is now known as one of the weakest films of the genre.

The bad review for this movie results primarily from the weak story and from the cheap special effects. William Shatner said in an interview with “The Hollywood Reporter” that he fails in this film have and his Work as a director deeply regret.


What is Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier about?

In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is the search for God in the spotlight, as Sybok, the half-brother of Spockin search of the creator of the universe. For this purpose, Sybok flies to the center of the galaxywhere he actually encountered a overpowering being pusheswhich holds the title of almighty Creator claimed for themselves.

But This creature is of course not really about God, but only about an alien with telekinetic abilities. Admittedly, really a bit flat. William Shatner says in an interview that he as a director this weak plot avert, he had but did not dareas he was a director at that time still too inexperienced and wasn't brave enough.

Heads up, Captain Kirk! It shows definitely of sizeeven if you the failures in his life admits and acknowledges. Finally, one can these setbacks – even as a former captain of the Enterprise! The best deals and expert advice on games, films, entertainment and more can now be found in the brand new PCG Guide. All information about our new portal can be found here!

