Solution to the quest: Lumberjacks in Distress Gamosaurus

Our complete solution is here to accompany you on your journey in the world of Dofus. Detailed guides to easily progress through the main stages of the game, find stuff or even set up your professions. You can find the solution to the quest in our guide
“Loggers in distress” In

Everything you need to know

PrerequisitesRecommended level: 30

1,480 Kamas
Hair of Milimulou x2
Prespic Peak x2

LocationAstrub [0,-25]
PredictableCombat (alone) x1
Fights against monsters in an area
Kamas x100

Solution to the quest
“Loggers in distress”

The quest begins in [0,-25] at the lumberjacks' workshop with the Disciple of Sêpt. He tells you that a beast seems to be attacking the workers and needs help. Decide to” Accept “ his request to put you on the hunt for 5 Milimulou. You will find these in the Astrub Forest area. Then go back and talk to the Disciple of Seven for him “To think that you molested a few milimulous, but that the pack leader didn’t show up”.


He then tells you that during your hunt another lumberjack was attacked. Go ahead [3,-21], and enter the infirmary on the left to question the traumatized Lumberjack. He shows you the board with which he defended himself, and in which a claw remained stuck. However, it looks nothing like that of a Mulou, and the woodcutter does not know what it was.

Go see Unterix Unter in [1,-23] and him
“Show your mark and talk about attacks on loggers”. According to him, it was a bear controlled by another person. To lure him out of his lair, go buy honey for 100 Kamas from Seth Sourcet in
[1,-16]in the Astrub grocery store.

The terrible Bear-Man

In the grocery store, you will also come across Artand, an Ecaflip who is looking for this bear. He wants to recover an Osamodas grimoire for one of his clients. Accompany him by
[-2,-16] where you will have to search through a trio of barrels.

This will make the Man-Bear appear, attracted by the smell of honey. By speaking to him, a fight begins in the company of Artand. At first, the fight may seem difficult. Man-Bear is invulnerable, and he summons a Murderous Bear with 11,000 health. Don't panic though. You just have to let Artand take care of it, since as soon as he attacks him, the Man-Bear loses his state. You will then be able to take care of him without too much worry. However, stay far enough away from the Murderous Bear to prevent it from killing you in a single hit.


Once the fight is over, talk to Artand to give him the grimoire he was looking for.

Return to the Disciple of Seven to end the quest
“Loggers in distress” In Dofus. You can now return to the list of achievement quests
“Escaps and ambushes” to continue the adventure.
