Solution to the quest: An unexpected event – Gamosaurus

During your trip to the Valonia Archipelago, you can help the inhabitants of the colony resolve their problems with the Nimbos. For this, it all starts with the quest “An unexpected event” In Dofus. This is aimed at high level players since you have to go to the mines of Ereboria. However, not all the stages of the quest are necessarily very clear. You can find the solution to the quest in our guide “An unexpected event” In Dofus.

Everything you need to know

PrerequisitesRecommended level: 190
Quests: “The POMS plot”
Awards2,503,186 XP
39,880 Kamas
Bitterhammer Beard Hair x3
LocationArchipelago of Valonia – New Albuera
PredictableCombat (alone) x2
Ardonite x1
Possess the spell Flamiche

Solution to the quest
“An unexpected event”

A new threat to the colony

Following your actions against the POMS bringing peace between the inhabitants of Albuera and the rebels of La Futaie, Thorbjarn has a new mission to entrust to you. Go find him in
[36,-77] to find out what it is. After telling you that the colony's economy is in danger, he asks you to find Gidrud. The latter is located in the hut behind Thorbjarn and is waiting for you.


By listening to the problems encountered, you learn that it was an exchange that failed with the Bitterhammers. Agree to help the colony with the option “Answer in the affirmative” to Gidrud, who then asks you to go see the person responsible for delivery. Viggö is in his hut, [37,-77]. There, you can take the time to chat with the delivery man and his wife.

Viggö's house is in the center of the map

Learn more about Viggö

During this discussion, you learn that Viggö is traumatized by images of ashen men. You then need permission to light a fire, and have the spell Flamiche
activated in your variants. By clicking on the stove at the back of the room, a fight begins. Two crackling flames attack you, but you can get help from a companion. This fight will have agitated the conveyor belt, which must now be calmed.

To do this, you will have to use specific dialogue options or risk being attacked by the Forgelance. The objective is to remain pacifist and make the decision not to settle his score. So, we must start with “Wait while observing”. Then, when it starts to become unmanageable, “Step back and try to reason with him”. Once calmed down, he tells you that the Bitterhammer in charge of the exchange was not the same one and that he was attacked.

With all this information in hand, return to Gidrud in [37,-77]. She refuses to believe that Barbéryl Clochecuivre could have sponsored such an act and sends you to find answers. To do this, head to the Forgelance Temple in
[33,-84] to chat with Nascherite after giving him the Jarl's letter. You must now wait 2 minutes before continuing the quest.


The Temple of the Forgelances is in the north of New Albuera

Nascherite's ordeal

Once the reading is finished, the Nimbos evokes possible internal discord within her clan. But before sending you to make sure, she wants to gauge your level. As a result, she challenges you to a duel. The fight can be quite complicated at first, but as often the solution is just to hit as hard as possible. With lifesteal or healing to survive long enough.

During this fight, it will not be possible to kill Nasherite. However, and despite the 15,000 VP, it is indeed necessary to attack her. The objective is to bring her down to 1 HP so that she summons Mani, her spear, and kills you. There is no point in playing with distance, since she has a spell that steals 6 MP without line of sight. The best thing is to block it in a corner, between you and a summon, and do maximum damage to it.

By blocking it, it will be easier to overcome it thanks to lifesteal

If you don't know which equipment to choose for this, we have two options. One is aimed at 198 players, and another at 200 players. They make up for the lack of class regeneration with daggers that have a lifesteal line. Note that some elements can be changed, but it is important to stay above 2,840 initiative to play before Nimbos.

The final preparations

Once Nascherite is defeated, she will ask you to prepare the last details before going to the island of Ereboria. It is therefore necessary to go to [38,-77] speak with Hönger Lébaï to announce the departure of a new shipment. Return to Nascherite in [33,-84]this time with a Ardonite in the pocket. It will allow you to forge an amulet that will protect you from the curse of the island if you succumb. The Nimbos then teleports you to a rune forge where you will have to interact with 3 elements. The hammer against the anvil, the molten metal and the sign at the bottom.


All that remains is to speak with Nascherite to obtain the amulet which will allow you, in addition to its primary function, to blend in with the Bitterhammer clan. Direction the boat towards Ereboria in [36,-76] to speak with Selma Reen and end the quest. Finishing “An unexpected event” In Dofus and by agreeing to travel to Ereboria, you unlock the quest “The Cursed Island”.
