Skyrim fan outsmarts Bethesda to save doomed NPC

Fans now know every little corner of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Nevertheless, they always find creative ways to outsmart the role-playing game and thus also developer Bethesda.

Skyrim fan saves NPC – and he is completely without a plan

Barrenfall Barrow is one of the first major dungeons in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Since the main quest also sends you into the dark burial chamber, it is for veterans no more surprises to offer. Reddit user RholynSelsig now shows how the game reacts to his knowledge.


A prominent puzzle in Skyrim consists of several stone tablets that you have to arrange in the correct order. In the Barrenfall Barrow you will meet a bandit who will demonstrate what happens if you makes the wrong choice. Usually he will be taken down by a hidden trap and you can try your luck.

However, RholynSelsig wants to save the poor soul and solves the puzzle for him before he can even pull the lever. Now the game doesn't know what to do with the living bandit. After a few seconds full of awkward silence he decides to investigate a noise in the corner of the chamber. Of course he doesn't recognize the player crouching two meters in front of him.


Skyrim: Fans celebrate the Reddit clip

The video is already on Reddit more than 18,000 upvotes reached. Above all, the bandit's reaction to his miraculous rescue causes amusement. User BlueSabere writes that the game actually foresaw the situation. He had already saved the bandit once himself. He then ran into the next room and had one there Chest examined. This time, however, something seems to have startled him (source: Reddit).


A veteran knows Skyrim so well that he… rescues bandits sentenced to death.
