Skull & Bones: Now Season 2 is supposed to turn things around

The release of Skull & Bones was more like a shipwreck than a successful raid. But now Ubisoft is revealing the secret of the new content in Season 2, and it should make PvE fans especially happy in the endgame.


After players had to take on the poison pirate La Peste and his fleet in Season 1, the twins Armand and Bertrand Hubac are now attacking. As the title “Chorus of Havoc” suggests, the two have specialized in the fine arts and especially opera.

The updates and new PvE modes are primarily aimed at the somewhat sluggish endgame. For example, fleet management has been improved, allowing you to automate the collection of pieces of eight from the factories.

Ubisoft describes the basic mechanics as follows:


  • Once your manufactory reaches level 4, you will gain access to this feature.
  • When you open the menu of the manufactory you want to assign a ship to, you will have access to another tab that allows you to select one of your current ships and assign it to the manufactory.
  • Once the ship has been assigned to the factory, it will begin its journey as long as the factory is funded.
  • Depending on the level of your ship and the distance to the Manufactory, you will be shown a risk level from low to very high for each Manufactory you assign a ship to. So choose wisely, because the higher the risk, the higher the chance that some of your Eight Pieces will be looted by villains and your ship will be damaged.

The system will be expanded and adapted over time.

New ship upgrades for everyone at the rank of Pirate Lord will unlock new perks, and the Helm Lease Agreements will give you control over the factory of your choice to further expand your influence.

In addition, two completely new PvE modes will find their way into the game.

With Buyout you now have another way to acquire factories. Corrupt officials will soon appear all over the map, and you can bribe them, so they will commission you to bring certain items to a certain point. If you are successful, you will be able to own the factory.

In Defence of the Manufactory you have to defend your manufactory (this was somewhat predictable). Enemies attack in several waves and try to destroy the facility. If you are successful in the defence, rewards await you, otherwise the manufactory will be out of action for a while for repairs.

The new season starts on May 28th and it might be worth it for all those who dropped out to set sail again.

Skull & Bones – Season 2 – Trailer

With “The Chorus of Havoc”, Ubisoft's pirate adventure enters the next season and this time the opera fans and twins Armand and Bertrand Hubac make life difficult for the players on the water.
