Similar title Echoes of the Plum Grove takes off

Stardew Valley has left a deep footprint in the world of gaming, from which another offspring is now sprouting. Echoes of the Plum Grove is the new candidate in the competition for the favor of Cozy Game fans.

With a clean jump from Kickstarter to Steam, the game is off to a promising start. But after the release still some plans openabout whose implementation the developers are currently trying to provide information.


The developer duo remains on the ball with updates after the release of Echoes of the Plum Grove

At first glance, Echoes of the Plum Grove seems like a harmless, colorful one Farm simulation straight from the picture book. But what is hidden under the outer shell is a game that… definitely dark sides and dares to serve things outside the box. At the beginning it's all about developing and planting your own property on the island of Honeywood. Sooner or later, however, winter approaches, which will put the players' resource management to the test.

In addition to the adverse conditions of nature, the danger of becoming ill is always in the air. Is this survive secured, but there is still time to make friends with the other residents of the place and to create a line of inheritance from the new relationships. In the succession of generations the island and its settlers can be experienced and influenced. The setting, inspired by the American Pilgrim era, is brought to life in a mix of 2D and 3D graphics.

So far, Echoes of the Plum Grove has come since his Released on April 29, 2024 well received by its buyers. Developer Unwound Games knows how to protect this and would like to add a few additional features. It's supposed to be next week a first update will be made available that brings new pets, bug fixes and improved controller support. Also planned for the future are the Steam Deck as a supported console, wall decorations, family trees and an overhaul of the disease mechanics.


The two-person team behind Echoes of the Plum Grove also has Kickstarter GoalsHow to meet a new character, the painting hobby, thunderstorms and singing birds. So while Sarah and Erik continue to work diligently on their game, you can look for more Stardew Valley-like games in our ten alternative titles drop by.
