Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

Much more than a portage

First of all, if you want to know more about the original game, we refer you to our test from the time on Switch. That being said, Atlus' JRPG has been significantly expanded since we last checked in with it. So, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance represents great news not only for those who have been waiting for its release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC, but also for those who have already completed the game on Switch and are considering purchasing it again.

Shin Megami Tensei V already established its reputation as a successful installment in the MegaTen franchise, but was technically held back by the limited capabilities of the Switch. Having replayed the Switch version just after our session on the new version, the difference with the 4K/60 FPS rendering is striking and significantly improves the gaming experience. Although the graphics engine remains based on that of the Switch, it Don't expect revolutionary improvements compared to the last major console releases. We were only able to handle the PS5 version, but we nevertheless hope that the Switch version of Revenge will offer better optimization than its predecessor.


In addition to the already rich original content, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance features a brand new narrative framework (or route) which introduces a new character: Hiromine Yoko. It is about a mysterious young girl who joins the protagonist and who possesses strange exorcist powers. Although she appears as an ally, her past and her true motivations seem destined to play a crucial role in this new “revenge road”.

The JRPG thus promises no less than 150 hours of play, enriched by a new scenario, the addition of new demons bringing the total to around 300, new musical compositions and some welcome balancing adjustments. For this preview, we were able to explore the game via two separate saves: one located shortly after the capital battle, at the start of the game, and the other in the Da'at region, after the event at the Jozoji temple.

Humans in combat

If our memory does not fail us, Yoko's presence slightly modifies the course of events in the first part of the game, while the second part offered us the opportunity to discover completely new areas. We were accompanied by Yoko and Tao, which introduced a new feature of this version: participation in fights involving human fighters. This change provides more flexibility in your team composition and allows characters other than the protagonist to use items in combat. The use of these characters is completely optional, and they can be put aside like any demon. However, it is not possible to personalize them in depth.

Shin Megami Tensei Vtrue to the franchise's reputation for difficulty, required careful preparation for each fight in order to avoid quick defeat. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance alleviates frustration without compromising difficulty, especially thanks to the new ability to save at any time, a very practical change that saves a lot of time. In the new Shinjuku zone, we were considered intruders by the angels, which led to a particularly intense series of non-stop battles, with each encounter increasing the number of identical enemies to face.


Exploration remains virtually the same as before with its collectibles and side quests given by demons, but it is improved by the addition of Sonic-style rails to quickly traverse the vast expanses. This is a welcome addition, as some repetitive movements could become tedious, despite having an adequate number of save points for teleportation. We also encountered a giant Mara capable of surprising accelerations. As usual, the maps also include their share of optional bosses.

A JRPG not to be missed in its ultimate version

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It hurts a little to admit it, but Atlus has managed to make us want to dive back into the adventure even though we already have several dozen hours on the clock on Switch. The new comfort elements may also better motivate some people to obtain all the ends available. Still, we appreciate seeing the frankness Shin Megami Tensei in great shape, and fans of Persona will in particular be able to discover the series that gave birth to this famous JRPG from Atlus, with its post-apocalyptic world and its intense turn-based combat.

The test will tell us more about the content added to the title (we can't wait to see what the new form of the Nahobino gives), but it is obvious that Atlus has put a lot of effort into this ultimate version which seems to correct the main defects of the original version. We are even treated to new music, and the rearrangement of the battle theme particularly struck us. In addition, it should be noted that we were able to play with the French texts and we are delighted to see that certain texts (left in English in the Switch version) are now fully translated.
