Sequel to Helldivers Exceeds Expectations with Stratospheric Sales Numbers

Helldivers 2 is a real hit. Sony has revealed the figures around its new golden goose and it's absolutely huge! And it's clearly not about to stop.

It's THE big sensation of recent months, Helldivers 2 absolutely blew up when it was released. The first Helldivers was a top-down shooter where up to 4 players could cooperate to decimate hordes of enemies. Full of second-rate content, with difficult, addictive and demanding gameplay, the first game was a real small success, but not enough to predict such an intense explosion for the second opus.


Helldivers 2 is a monumental hit

Helldivers 2 set the bar higher than its big brother. Here we move on to a third-person view, more classic but also more immersive. At the same time, we intensify the fights by making them even more explosive, we stuff everything with humor and we have a recipe that works like a charm. The developers even have fun bringing the game to life… outside of the game with very “meta” communication that works and has gained many followers.

Available on PS5 but also on PC where the game unfortunately sparked a controversy which was finally resolved, Helldivers 2 is a monumental hit. It was even unpredictable in reality, and that's also what's nice to see, that games still manage to surprise us. Since its launch, in just over ten weeks, Helldivers 2 has sold more than 12 million copies on all platforms combined. This is evidenced by one of the pages of Sony's financial statement file.

A page of ©Sony's financial results which says a lot about the success of Helldivers 2.

A new license that weighs a lot for Sony

Astronomical figures that make you dizzy. What is especially very strong is that the game has not been empty since its release. There are always several hundred thousand Helldivers flocking to the servers, it's quite incredible here too, where as a general rule, sensational games run out of steam after the first month.

It is therefore a very nice success for the Arrowhead studio which can sleep soundly and which, above all, is preparing many surprises for the future. But also for Sony, which has here a strong new license from its catalog of exclusives and a great door to the PC, a platform that it seeks to seduce at all costs. Hoping that the firm does not repeat its hazardous decisions which almost systematically earn it a barrage of criticism.

