Season 4 of The Witcher on Netflix off to a rough start, disappoints Henry Cavill fans

Culture news Already a big miss for season 4 of The Witcher on Netflix? Henry Cavill fans are unhappy!


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In a few weeks, Netflix subscribers will already be “celebrating” the first anniversary of season 3 of The Witcher, a burst of particularly divisive episodes which marked the last appearances of actor Henry Cavill in the title role. Today, we are still waiting to see what Liam Hemsworth will look like in season 4, even if we recently had the right to a photo that raised fans' hackles.


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At the time of its announcement, the series The Witcher unleashed passions and even caused a renewed interest in CD Projekt video games, notably the third episode Wild Hunt. Today, the story around the Netflix show is totally different. As the seasons, episodes and news progress, often mistreating the series or bringing bad news, The Witcher has lost its shine in the Netflix catalogand even the American giant no longer has the excessive plans it once had for this universe inspired by the novels of Andrzej Sapkowski.

A few days ago, we even learned that Netflix intended to stop the fees very soon. At the dawn of the release of the fourth season, of which we are still waiting to discover the first official images or a trailer revealing the look of Liam Hemsworth in the role of Geralt, replacing British actor Henry Cavill, Netflix revealed that the finale will happen at the end of season 5. Casually, the conclusion is getting closer… and it is still marked by a little controversy… regarding clothing.

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Liam Hemsworth's stunt double outfit has The Witcher fans fearing the worst

Let's go back a year. In April 2023, Netflix decides to reveal the first images of season 3 of The Witcherbroadcast between June and July of the same year, and received a heavy round of criticism. These have, for many, targeted the same detail: the costumes. Indeed, many spectators had complaints about the quality of the actors' outfits. Among the lot, a handful of them highlighted the lack of inspiration of the costume designers, criticizing a style that is too close to what can be found in certain ready-to-wear boutiques. Recently, the subject came back to the table because of an image stolen from the film sets! As seen in publication X (formerly Twitter) below, season 4 of The Witcher does not reveal oneself in its best trappings.

In this case, fans are quite unhappy to see that the criticisms leveled at the quality of the costumes in season 3 have not been heard. In the photo shared on the social network, we are treated to a glimpse of Liam Hemsworth's stunt double, appearing in an outfit considered “too modern” or even very low-end, which has already earned him the nickname “Geralt of Wish”. The only thing that seems reassuring is the recent rumors reported by the Redanian Intelligence site which evoke, conversely, an outfit much more appreciated by fans of The Witcher 3: Wild Huntlast gamble to save the series from the ire of fans.

About The Witcher

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