Season 2 aims to answer a question that New Vegas fans have been asking for 14 years

There are some clear references to New Vegas in the Fallout series.

There are some clear references to New Vegas in the Fallout series.


14 years have passed since the best Fallout ever: Obsidian's New Vegas was released in 2010 and continues to set the bar for how good Fallout can be and continues to draw fans deep into the fascinating open world of the Mojave wasteland. Since then, fans have been wondering what will happen next for the desert city – and the answer to that could come from the second season of Amazon's Fallout series!

Expect you now Slight spoilers for the finale of the first season of Fallout, so please only read on if you've watched the entire series or don't mind mild spoilers. We warned you, okay?

Last chance…



Will Fallouts Season 2 go to New Vegas?

There are some clear indications in the first season that New Vegas could play a larger role in the future of the series.

  • At the end of the season, Hank returns to a city that could very well be New Vegas.
  • One of Fallout: New Vegas' major villains – Mr. House – makes a cameo appearance in a flashback in the Fallout series.
  • The showrunners themselves confirm, at least behind closed doors, that the fans' speculations are definitely on target.

Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing
Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing

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Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing

In one Interview with GQ The two co-showrunners Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet are specifically asked about New Vegas.

GQ: Of course, open questions are hotly debated on the Internet – and I would like to play some of them directly with you. In the final shot of the first season it is very clearly indicated that it could go to New Vegas. Was this something you planned for the long term?

wagner: The idea that things happened and that we don't leave the worlds the way we see them [in den Spielen, Anm. d. Red.] was kind of the philosophy with which we approached the first season, which takes place in Los Angeles. We hope to continue that and build a story on previous events… That's been the whole exercise from the start, right? 25 years of games, how can you add something to that, like a wobbling Jenga tower. But that was always the goal. So we're hoping we can repeat that in another area that's heavily hinted at in the season one finale. (Laughs.) I could also admit it straight away at this point.

Fallout canon

The Fallout series takes place in the year 2296, 15 years after the events of Fallout: New Vegas. In the game, it was up to you to decide the fate of New Vegas and, for example, the whereabouts of the supposedly immortal Mr. House. Of course, the question arises as to which end the series ends at.

You'll have to wait a while for the final answer. Season 2 has been given the green light, but full production is yet to begin. So you don't need to expect a sequel before 2026. But hey, at least Fallout 5 is getting closer at the same time.
