Resurfacing after a Decade: The Unbelievable Return of a Canceled PlayStation Video Game

Game news This canceled PlayStation video game is resurfacing after ten years, it's crazy!

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Do you remember LittleBigPlanet? Initiated on PlayStation 3, this series of games imagined by MediaMolecule experienced a true golden age, leading to the announcement of LittleBigPlanet Hub, a new game… which never saw the light of day. Well, more or less, now.

LittleBigPlanet Hub, the forgotten

Ah, LittleBigPlanet. The first part, released on PS3 in 2008, was a big kick in the anthill and Sony finally had its mainstream platform game: hyper accessible, funny, cute and based above all on the creativity of a huge community, the series got off to a flying start and Sackboy quickly became one of the emblems of PlaySation itself. In 2011, MediaMolecule returned in force with LittleBigPlanet 2, an even deeper and more captivating sequel making the diptych a true classic of the Japanese console.

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Faced with this considerable growth, the English studio then unveiled LittleBigPlanet Hub in 2013, a new free-to-play planned on the PlayStation Store. Its role was therefore to offer a free approach for PS3 players (it was obviously an exclusive), offering everyone the first levels of LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 (sixteen levels in total) as well as'to some others created by the community and selected by the developers.

This canceled PlayStation video game is resurfacing after ten years, it's crazy!

Above all, LBP Hub players could already get their hands dirty and start creating levels to then offer them to the whole world, enriching LittleBigPlanet's famous “imagi-shpère” again and again, with the addition of numerous weekly challenges. A good initiative… except that it ultimately never saw the light of day.

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The resurrection

The fate of LittleBigPlanet Hub therefore turned out to be mysterious: announced in 2013 and due to be released at the end of that same year, no one ever communicated about the project which was therefore never released. Obviously, it has been deemed canceled for all this time and a priori, certain features would have finally been transformed and then added to LittleBigPlanet 3, developed by Sumo Digital, in 2014 on PS4. And again, no one is really sure.

On the other hand, the very recent great news and what is therefore the subject of this article is that the internal beta of LIttleBigPlanet Hub has miraculously been recovered and put online same here : it is a free download and can therefore be played on a PlayStation 3 via its .pkg file (or via an emulator). Below you will find a video of this free-to-play, unfortunately nipped in the bud.

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We remind you that the LittleBigPlanet saga is not completely dead: when the PS5 was released in November 2020, it was offered with the (sub-side?) Sackboy: A Big Adventure while a 3D runner called Ultimate Sackboy was also released on mobile in February 2023. Verra- will we one day have a real LittleBigPlanet 4?

Buy Sackboy: A Big Adventure on PS5 at a discount at Amazon

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